the positives and negatives of no sun

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It was about time she had a new diary entry. Besides, if she didn't keep writing in it, she'd feel bad. She always finds use for her sister's presents, no matter how weird or girly they may seem. To balance things out, she'd named the diary Sir. Stupid III.

Dear Stupid diary,

I do not like waking up in the morning. The sun is too bright and I always end up waking up at death(approx. 8:00 am).

My new plan is to rid the world of the sun for at least two more hours. Not get rid of it completely, since brother would be sad, but just have less of it.


- More sleep
- Less stupid
- Needed for Katya the Potted Plant ™
- Happy brother and sister
- Use less sunblock


- Dark
- Cold


- Might still wake up with sun
- Sad brother
- Everything might probably die
- More snow
- Able to see more dead people
- Less of an excuse to carry umbrella
- Less time to wear cool sunglasses

Even though the cons outweigh the pros, I have decided to go through with the plan.

Capricious (APH Belarus Drabbles)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang