Chapter 4

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Delirious pov
As Evan reached into the closet to hit us teddy sparkles and transformed and tackled Evan away. Moo sat their in shock while I sat there in horror. Evan and teddy rolled all over on the floor and Evan about grabbed his neck but teddy licked him in the gut and grabbed my rib and tied him in the straight jacket type way. Evan struggled and growled. " no one hurt delly or moo on my watch" teddy growled and kissed my forehead before transforming into his stuffed teddy bear state. Moo looked at teddy speechless. I grabbed teddy and moo and ran out of the house and slept in my car cuddling with teddy and moo.

Time skip morning

We got out of the car and walked inside to see all the guys groaning and holding their heads. " what happened " Tyler asked holding his head. " you all got drunk and Evan tried to beat the crap out of me and delirious" moo yelled and I walked up stairs to see a confused Evan I untied him and we walked down stairs to see guilty faces on all the guys but me, moo, and Evan but Evan didn't last long untill the guys whispering in his ear told him what happened. " I'm so sorry we just felt guilty and started to drink I never wanted to hurt you" he said looking at the floor. " we love you but no getting drunk any of you please" I asked and they nodded. I hugged teddy and Brock did too and all the guys looked confused. " Brock tonight you want to watch a movie with me and teddy" I asked and he nodded and we walked out of the room with confused boyfriends behind us. " Brock don't tell them about teddy" I whispered in his ear as we walked away and he nodded and we cleaned up the house.

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