Chapter 13 ♥ The Start of A New Problem (1/3)

Start from the beginning

He seems sweet.

"Hey Konie." Chris said flatly. "Hey Tj." Chris said dropping down to his height. "Hey.." he said kinda shy.

"Y'all can come in." I said moving back.

Damn, I felt bad for this kid. No telling what Konie told him about his father and no telling how his lifestyle is. I shut the door once everyone was settled. "Okay, Tj, I'm Chris...your father." He nodded at Chris then then looked over at me. "That's Stacy, my wife." He said and I waved at him.

His face seemed to light up.

"Stacy, this is Tj, or in other words, his real name is Corey, Tj (Trey Jr.) is his middle name."

I nodded, and saw Konie just staring at me hard. If she's here to start shit, she's come at the wrong time. I'm not in the mood for it.

"How long do we gotta keep him?" Chris asked.

"Just for today." Konie said. "I'll come back for him later on tonight." She said smiling the whole time.

"Did you bring any clothes for him to stay in?" Chris said looking up at him.

"I did." I said. "How would you know his size?" Konie asked giving me a look. "I just know." I said.

I know Chris felt the tension between us. "Um, Stacy, how about you and Tj get to know eachother while I talk to your mom okay?"


"Konie follow me."


Once we got into the kitchen, I immediately got onto her ass.

"You need to stop."

"Stop what?" She said acting all innocent.

"Leave Stacy alone. How many times do I have to tell you that?"

"I'm not doing anything.."

"You're telling me that giving her looks and giving her bitchy attitudes isn't doing anything?!" I said almost yelling, but I didn't try too. Honestly.

"Why the quick temper?" She said laughing some.

I took a deep breath, collected my thoughts and easily let the anger go.

"Just stop Konie, that's all I'm asking. Stacy is already kind of upset that its not her kid, so lay off."

"Whatever you say." She said shrugging.

"I'm serious." I said looking at her.

"Okay, okay, whatever."

I shook my head. I don't even see why I try. I walked back into the living room to see Stacy and TJ already playing around. He was in her lap getting tickled by her. Aww. That's cute. As I watched the two play around, she finally caught my attention on them both and stop. She held him around his waist on her lap.

"Having fun?" I asked them both and Tj instantly hid his face in Stacy neck. Oh yeah, I think these two will get along just perfect.

"Well, I guess I'll be leaving now." Konie said grabbing her things. She gave Tj a kiss on his forhead and then walked out.

"So Tj," I said walking over to him and sat down beside Stacy. "How old are you?"

"9, I'll be 10 next month."

Caleb has someone to play with now. Their both near the same age, its just a 2 year difference.

"Cool. What would you like for your birthday?"

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