1. Don't bite the hand that feeds you.

Start from the beginning

"So, you decided to help that slut runaway?" Spoke Jimin in his calm yet dominant tone. Making the man in the chair shake even more.

"Sh-sh-she said she was unhappy a-and just wanted to g-go home." The man stuttered out.

"I-I-I'm sure she must've promised you something in order to convince you to h-help her." Jimin mocks the man. A couple of his gang members next to him chuckle quietly to themselves.

The man was part of Jimin's gang. Keyword -was. The man knew he was fucked. There was no turning back. His life is going to end any minute now, so why hide anything? Jimin will just find out everything anyway. Making it even worse for him. And he wasn't going to help the bitch anymore.

The man took a deep breath. "She promised to take me with her, to have a better life outside the killings and drugs that surrounded us. Like the idiot I am, I believed her and got us plane tickets to Seattle with fake names. This morning I woke up to see we missed our flight. Or I missed it. She had apparently still got on it, leaving me behind."

Jimin let go of the man's chin and stood up. "You fucked her, didn't you?"

The man closed his eyes with a sign and nodded his head.

In one quick motion, Jimin punched the guy in the stomach. The man lost all the air from his lungs, coughing uncontrollably. Next, he feels a sharp pain in his jaw, making his head start to spin. Jimin continued to beat the guys face in until it was basically unrecognizable. 

When the mafia leader stopped, Yoongi gave him a small wet towel to clean his hands. The man in the chair spat blood that continuously oozed out of his mouth.

"I thought you didn't give a shit about her?" The man in the chair said as he looks up at Jimin with his battered eyes.

"I don't." The leader tosses the towel on the floor, grabs a gun from Yoongi's hand and steps toward the man in the chair.

"I'm pissed because you chose to be loyal to that slut instead of me." With that said Jimin raises the gun and pulls the trigger, shooting the man in head without a second thought. The man's body immediately falling limp in his chair.

Jimin has yet to lower his gun. He still has it raised, pointed at the dead corpse.

"Never bite the hand that feeds you, right Chan?" Jimin says fixing his gaze to his gang member standing behind the dead man.

Chan looked right at his boss. Gulping nervously he answered as confidently as he could. "Right Boss."

Jimin hummed," Mhm, right."

The leader swiftly fixes the gun at Chan, shooting him in the head also. All in the room watching  his body drop to the floor with nearly no reaction or shock. Jimin handed the gun back to Yoongi, who raised an eyebrow at him, silently questioning him.

"He also helped the bitch out. He's the one who drove her to the airport." Jimin flatly said.

Yoongi just gave a small nod, understanding his friend's action.

"Get rid of them and clean up the mess." Jimin spoke to the other two members in the room before walking back up to his office with Yoongi following behind.

Arriving back in Jimin's office, Yoongi closed the door behind them. Jimin slumps down on his sofa chair while Yoongi takes a seat on a couch opposite of him.

"So, how are you going to tell Nina about all this?" Yoongi asked, leaning back comfortably into the soft cushion.

"I'll tell her the truth. Her mother left and isn't coming back." Jimin shrugged like it's not a big deal.

Yoongi rolled his eyes at the other's response, shaking his head. "You can't just tell a 4 year-old that. She's going to be devastated. Try breaking it down to her or something."

"She is my daughter. I'm sure she will be able to handle it. It's not like Jenny was even around for her."

Yoongi sighs. "Whatever you say Jimin. Just be careful. I don't want her to grow up to hate you."

Jimin doesn't say anything as he glances at his watch. 


"I'm going to head home early. You think you can handle things here for the rest of the day?" Jimin asks.

"Yeah, I got it. Go home."

With that, Jimin stands up, grabs his keys from his desk and heads out. As he exits his warehouse, Dan, his driver, was already waiting for him with the back door open. With a nod to the driver, he hopped in. The door shutting behind him. 

30 minutes later they drive up to his gate, gives a short nod to the security guards who bow and let him in. Dan drives up the path and parks in front of the big home. Exiting the driver seat, Dan jogs around, opening the door for his boss. Jimin steps out without a second glance to the man. As soon as his feet hit the pavement, his ears are blessed with the cutest little voice that makes his heart melt every time. The only girl in the world who is able to make the mafia leader soft.

"PAPA!" Nina yells as she runs out the front door, jumping straight into her father's arms. 

Jimin smiles brightly, kissing his beautiful daughter on the top of her head. All his stress, washing away.


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