The Awakening

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You wake up in a pile of rubble, broken chunks of concrete and dust scattered around you. You lean up and rest on both of your arms and look around you, beacon was abandoned and completely demolished.

Mind: what the hell, I can barely remember what happened last night, I guess it's what I get for falling such a height.

You slowly get up and but fall to your knees in pain and cough up blood. You feel your chest and see scratch marks that have ripped your hoodie and stains of blood that was running down it before it scabbed. You brace your chest and clench your fist in pain.

Mind: Man, wasn't just the fall that got me either, damn Grimm. First they already exist making people's lives a nightmare and now they're being used to cause even more destruction. Fucking great

You bring your left leg up and place your hand on your knee and pushed yourself up and onto your feet. You bring out your scroll and have no connection at all.

Mind: great not even a connection. Fuck

Just as you were about to take your first step in this rubble, you hear crumbles of concrete a few meters away, you walk over limping with your arm still bracing your chest, you come across a girl face down in rubble. She was still breathing thankfully.

Y/n: H-hey miss?


Mind: No response...

You walk up closer to her and kneel down to next to her, she's scratched up a lot, not badly just a lot. You turn her over slowly and she's still knocked out cold, you examine her more and notice how beautiful this black haired girl is, you look at her stomach and see a stab wound that is scabbed and around it is skinned stained in blood.

Mind: Oh my oum, how is she still alive? A puncture like that would've killed her by blood loss alone, unless her aura wasn't drained fully but after last night she would've been drained near death.

She coughs and slightly struggles to take in air, you quickly go behind her and pick her torso up and rest her back on your chest. She starts breathing better but not breathing normally.

Mind: might as well send some if my aura, I don't think her struggling like this will do any good, then again I don't have much aura, but I can last on a small amount for the time being.

You place both your hands on her shoulders and transfer your aura to her, she starts breathing much better, this soothes your anxiety, .

Mind: C'mon! Like it wasn't bad enough!

A tall pillar was starting to crumble down and fall right on top of both you and the girl. You quickly pick her up bridal style and run through the rubble and left, (this isn't the cliche kind of story where they keep running in the direction where something is falling)

Y/n: fuckin hell *pant* Grimm did a number on this place

The pillar slams into the ground and puffs up a ton of dust with, you travel out of beacon and into a near forest, it seems pretty calm, birds chirping, leaves rustling on trees from wind. It was actually peaceful and wasn't that dark either, the sun's light lit up the forest and made it very easy to navigate.

Mind: she's still passed out, just hope she'll wake up soon... But not too soon... It'll be kinda hard to explain after all has happened...

You come across some hilly terrain and a few marked tree's that were used for guidance.

Mind: I'm either lucky or oum is actually watching over me and placed me on my own path just to find this, yes!

You follow the marked tree's leading down hill and as you follow the trees you see a big chapel through the leaves in the distance, and around it a pretty big town.

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