Age 9, Hinata's Death

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-3rd person P.O.V.-

It was his birthday, and it was also the day of the fox hunt. He ran, desperate to avoid his fate all the time running in the dark of night. Hiding in the back alleys and the places that the mob wouldn't look, all to try avoiding what would happen if he got caught. As the day faded to night, Naruto thought that he had managed to escape fate. But as most know, you can never anticipate it.

As he walked home, someone caught sight of him. Alerting the mob of people they gave chase, forcing him to run into alleys. After chasing the boy into a dead end, they started to pull out their weapons.

*Trigger Warning*

-Naruto P.O.V.-

As the people of the mob started to advance towards me, I looked around wildly trying to find a way out. As I was looking around someone struck me with a wood board across the face, breaking my nose.

As I felt my nose break I fell to the ground curling up into a ball trying to protect myself. They started to kick me. While all this was happening some of the other people in the mob grabbed different pieces of glass, roof tiles, and other things.

A few of the people in the mob had brought rusty cutting tools. I curled up as tight as I could into a ball trying to protect myself, but I was forced onto my back. They used the different objects to carve words into my skin, and after every word was completed someone else poured sake on it.

As I started to scream, they began to laugh sadistically. Wanting to inflict as much pain as possible. They started kicking and punching me, but this time they found brass knuckles and steel-toed shoes to hurt me with. It didn't seem to stop, it was like there was no end to the pain.

Then I saw something even more terrifying, medical ninjas. They know how to hurt me without leaving a trace. After all, why was it that I could never jog or sprint for a month after the mob found me? Because they would use medical ninjutsu to cut my muscles and fracture my bones.

The medics started to work on me, slicing the muscles in my legs and fracturing bones in my arms. I don't know what I did to them that makes them do this to me but what I do know is that I was going to blackout soon.

Except that I didn't, the medics then forced me to stay awake. As the medics did this, some Hyūga's came up to have their turn hurting me. Using their signature 8 trigrams 64 palms to close my chakra points, they started to punch me, infusing chakra into their hits.

The last thing I remember before Kurama took over, was Hinata running in front of my broken body.

-Kurama P.O.V-

As I forced my kit to switch with me, I knew that this wasn't going to end well. With the damage done by the medic nins, this was going to be tricky. After all, everything they had done to my kit's body, there is a large chance that if I use too much chakra he could very well die.

I can't have that, but at the same time, Hinata cares but my kit, but I need to save her if I can. As I tried to heal Naruto, I watched as Hinata started to take on the mob, and some of her clan tried to pull her off to the side.

They failed and then tried to backhand her out of the way. She took the blow and kept going. Not letting a single person near him. But she was slowing down, after all, she is a child, and has very little chakra. I hope I'm not too late, she is one of three people that truly seem to care about Naruto.

If she died that's one less reason for him to live. I can't have my kit die! It's all my fault that he suffers day in and day out, night after night, in the neverending battle of village vs. Person. I want him to have a good life, just as his parents wanted him too. I know I'm not the greatest being in the world, but I do happen to care for the little ones.

After I had finally healed Naruto enough to move without severe pain, Hinata was grabbed by the mob, since she was just kinda standing there panting. They took her into the middle of everyone and started to beat her. After she was curled in a ball, they carved the words "Demon Lover" on her back and arms. Those in her clan grabbed her but were then attacked with whatever the villagers had on hand.

As much as I wanted to help her for the sake of Naruto, I was still trying not to kill or hurt him too much, so my chakra was slow to come. As I gathered enough chakra for a jutsu one of the braver villagers stabbed her in the lungs, and another stapped her in the heart, killing her.

As I realized what happened, I cried out, but still managed a jutsu. I as did the hand signs for Raiton: Raiso Gekishin, the villagers realized what they had done. And they died as they realized it. Grabbing Hinata's body, I ran to where her clan's house was.

But I still really didn't want to deal with everything that had happened. And I knew that Naruto would want to be the one to tell her clan.

-Naruto's P.O.V.-

As I switched back so I could tell Hiashi what had happened to his daughter. But all I wanted to do was cry about the loss of one of the few that cared about me. It would hard, but I had to tell him. It wouldn't be right otherwise. I wanted her to be happy, she was a sister figure to me.

Always there to lift me up when I was down, and I loved her like family because of that. But now she is gone, I know that everyone else will follow, but I hope that they will still be around when I'm old.

As I walked into the greeting area of the Hyūga Clan with Hinata's body in my arms. I as I approached the secretary, I asked to see Hiashi as to tell him what happened. They looked at me in disgust, but went and asked him if I was allowed.

After he agreed to see me, I walked in carrying his daughter. Looking up, I stammered my way through what had happened to her. Hiashi tried to process what had happened, I gently set Hinata's body down.

After finally figuring out what to say Hiashi snapped at me, raging at me for not being able to help his daughter. All the while I was whimpering as he raged at me. He slapped me and then proceed to hurt me some more after the mob.

Hours passed as he beat on me, but after a while, he slowed down, and I made my escape by jumping out the window and running back to my apartment. As I got to my apartment, I noticed that the lights were on which meant either Iruka, Lord 3rd Hokage, or the mob were there.

I was hoping for Iruka so I could just talk with him, and maybe get some help dressing and wrapping my wounds. Of course, that was after the hour-long lecture on protecting myself. But I still love my brother figure. I really need sleep though, I'm exhausted which is putting it mildly.

But there was still much to do, as I snuck into my apartment, Iruka popped up scaring me to death. I screamed and promptly passed out, yes it's been that kind of day. Anyway, when I woke up my wounds had been seen and dealt with, and I sensed ANBU agents surrounding my place.

I noticed that all the graffiti on my walls had been covered, and then it hit me, it hit me really hard. Hinata was dead, as in never coming back. But that couldn't be right, Hinata couldn't be gone. We had a test that she was gonna help me study for today, right?

I hurried to get dressed and ran to school, Iruka was just getting there, but when he saw me, he looked sympathetic. I broke down, my sister was gone, and I knew that I would never get her back. This is the worst day of my life, it has to be. After I ran home, I decided to not eat, maybe if I was lighter I could get away faster.

Maybe that would have saved Hinata, but I wouldn't know. After all, she's gone but I want her back so much, but that's never gonna happen unless I die. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2019 ⏰

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