Into the Woods

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"Marvin, can't you use your magic to find Chase or something?" Jackaboy-Man asked Marvin hopefully.

"I can't use my magic with Jack far away, but you can hack into the security cameras can't you?" Marvin replied.

"Oh yeah!" Jackaboy-Man exclaimed as he started to move towards the entrance of the bar, only to pause mid-step by the door.

"I can't hack into the cameras without getting caught." Jackaboy-Man stated with a frown as he turned back to face Marvin and Schneep.

"Robbie wanna go home." Robbie mumbled as he wrapped his arms around Jackaboy-Man's legs.

"That's it! We can go back to the house and use Jack's computer!" Marvin blurted.

"Vhat are ve vaiting for zhen? Let's help our friends!" Schneep exclaimed as he ran back towards the house, his white lab coat billowing out behind him.

"Where did you guys go?! Seán is unconscious upstairs and still in pain!" Signe yelled at the four as they ran inside the house, none of them answering as they entered Jack's recording room.

"This should be easy." Jackaboy-Man muttered under his breath as he cracked his knuckles before getting to work.

His fingers moved in a blur across the keyboard, his eyes narrowed in concentration as he hacked into the bar's cameras.

"Done! Now, let's see what happened to Chase." Jackaboy-Man announced as he played back the camera footage from a few hours ago.

The hero glanced between the four cameras on the screen for signs of Chase, neither of them showing anything helpful.

"Wait!" Marvin cried out, causing Jackaboy-Man to hastily pause the playback.

On the top right corner of the screen was the camera footage of behind the bar, a man with a pink Afro dragging an unconscious Chase behind him.

Jackaboy-Man resumed the playback to see the man dump Chase on the ground, a man dressed in a black suit abruptly appearing in front of the pink Afro wearing male.

"Who zhe fuck is zhat?" Schneep wondered aloud with a frown as he peered closer at the dark figure.

"I got one of them, but I couldn't get the rest yet without raising suspicion." The pink Afro male stated.

"Good work Wilford. I'll take him back to the mansion while you work on capturing the others." The dark haired male nodded in approval before grabbing Chase and disappearing.

"Robbie no like bad man." Robbie whimpered, hugging his arms close to his chest.

"We should talk to Jack and see if maybe he knows who the other dude is." Marvin suggested.

"Hopefully he does." Schneep remarked as they left Jack's recording room and stepped into his bedroom.

"Jack?" Jackaboy-Man tentatively called out to the lump under a pile of blankets in bed.

Robbie crawled forward and climbed onto the bed, snuggling next to Jack.

Robbie frowned in confusion as he moved the blankets, finding only a pile of pillows underneath.

"There's a note." Marvin noticed as he moved closer to the pillows, deftly picking up the paper taped to the decoy.

"Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall,
All the king's horses and all the king's men,
Couldn't put Humpty back together again." Marvin read aloud slowly.

"The fuck does that mean?!" Jackaboy-Man huffed in impatient irritation.

"Humpty Dumpty had a great fall," Schneep repeated, reading the note from over Marvin's shoulder.

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