Out There

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"I've been trapped in here for too long, I'm sick of it!" Anti huffed in exasperation as he paced around the inside of Jack's mind.

Jackaboy-Man ignored the demon since it wasn't the first time Anti had complained about their situation, the hero closing his eyes to tune Anti's ranting out.

"He made us real, yet he won't let us live in the real world since he fears that we'll do something bad." Anti continued angrily.

"No, Jack fears zhat you vill do something bad." Schneep corrected the demon as he adjusted his lab coat.

"Because of that, none of us can leave if not all of us can. We're all connected, whether we like it or not." Marvin interjected sourly.

"Jameson, you got any ideas?" Jackaboy-Man asked the mute ego hopefully.

The dapper male only shrugged in response.

"There's gotta be something we can do to prove to Jack that we can handle being in the outside world!" Anti exclaimed in exasperation.

"Maybe If you stopped trying to fucking murder him all the time, he might actually let us go!" Chase shouted back at Anti.

"No fight, Robbie no like it." Robbie spoke up from where he was curled up on the ground.

"Robbie's right, ve vill have to vork together to earn our freedom." Schneep chimed in.

"Tonight when Jack sleeps, we can try talking to him in his dreams and convince him that we can all be good." Marvin suggested.

"Sounds like a plan." Chase nodded.

There was a moment of silence as the egos thought of what they would do when they were in the real world, none of them sure where they would begin.

"Would we lose our powers when we get our physical forms in the real world?" Anti wondered aloud, glancing over at the red-clad hero.

"I hope not, that'd suck." Jackaboy-Man retorted.

"True, then I wouldn't be Marvin the Magnificent. I'd just be Marvin." Marvin agreed.

"At least it vould mean zhat Anti can't possess Jack anymore." Schneep replied optimistically.

Jameson nodded in agreement, earning a glare from Anti.

"Why don't we just free ourselves? We have the power to do so, nothing can stop us." Anti questioned at his counterparts.


"Forget Jack, he doesn't understand how we feel to be trapped in here for years!" Anti interrupted Chase.

"Ve can do vhatever ve vant here!" Schneep argued.

"Except see the real world." Anti shot back vehemently.

"Robbie want happy friends, Robbie don't care where he is." Robbie added cheerfully.

"Why are you all screaming in my head?! It's impossible to work."

The six turned to see that Jack had appeared, his expression betraying his irritation.

"We want to be in the real world." Anti stated calmly as he stepped towards the Irishman.

"Ha, as if I'd let you out! You've tried killing me countless times." Jack laughed mirthlessly.

"But we haven't." Chase protested, gesturing to the other egos.

"No, but you all have weaknesses that I worry will get you all killed." Jack countered.

"Anti, you're not as powerful as you think," Jack began, looking at the demon.

"Schneep, you've failed saving every patient you've had," Jack continued, causing the German to lower his head in shame.

"Jackaboy-Man, you're not the perfect hero you think you are," Jack stated as he glanced over at Jackaboy-Man.

"Marvin, the real world isn't like here," Jack added, causing the magician to flinch back.

"Robbie, you aren't independent," Jack told the zombie even though he wasn't paying attention.

"And Jameson, you can't create your way out of situations otherwise people will notice and try to experiment on you." Jack finished, letting out a sigh as the tension in the atmosphere dissipated.

"Just let us try, please." Marvin begged.

"We won't let you down." Jackaboy-Man promised with determination shining in his eyes.

"Do you all really want to live in the real world?" Jack asked the egos as he stood before them.

The seven nodded eagerly, earning a smirk from Jack.

"Then prove it."

Before any of them could react, they were suddenly free to create a physical form outside of Jack's body, allowing them to stand in the real world.

"So," Anti smirked mischievously as he clapped his hands together.

"What should we do first?"

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