Web of Lies

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"Fuck, um, I'll go out and distract them as long as I can!" Marvin exclaimed as he quickly ran outside to the couple, leaving Robbie, Jameson, Jackaboy-Man, Chase, and Schneep to come up with a lie to tell Jack.

Robbie proceeded to crawl around and amuse himself by clinging onto Schneep's legs, the German doctor too panicked to notice.

"Wait..." Jackaboy-Man murmured as he felt his powers come back, a grin spreading on his face.

"When Jack's close-by, we can use our powers! Jameson, can you make an illusion of Anti?" Jackaboy-Man questioned the mute male hastily.

Jameson nodded and with a slight movement of his hand, he created a projected image of Anti that looked like the demon was sleeping on the couch just as the door swung open.

"Hey guys!" Jack greeted the egos as he stepped inside, followed by Signe and an anxious looking Marvin.

"H-hey Jack!" Chase stammered, waving awkwardly, earning a warning glare from Marvin that only Chase saw.

"What did you guys do?" Jack teased lightly, glancing between the group as Schneep bit his lower lip.

Chase's gaze fell to the floor while Jackaboy-Man looked around the room to avoid Jack's gaze, Jameson's attention fixated on the illusion so it would stay stable.

"Shh, Anti's sleeping." Signe whispered softly to Jack, gesturing to the illusion with a small smile.

"Jameson, you doing okay man? You're looking paler than usual." Jack remarked with a concerned frown.

"He must be getting tired." Schneep jumped in, his eyes darting over to Jameson.

The dapper male nodded in reply, flashing Jack a weak smile in response to reassure him.

"Oh, okay. Signe and I are going to go upstairs, you guys keep sing whatever you all were doing." Jack announced, taking Signe's hand before going upstairs.

Jameson immediately sunk down onto the empty couch once they were out of sight, his hands shaking slightly from the amount of concentration it took to keep up the illusion.

"We have to tell Jack eventually." Marvin muttered worriedly as Schneep went into the kitchen to make Jameson tea, Robbie following to keep him company.

"We'll find Anti before then." Jackaboy-Man stated firmly.

"How? Brighton's a huge city and Anti's a murderous psycho!" Chase huffed in exasperation.

"Jack promised that if we were good tonight that we could go adventuring tomorrow, we should be able to look for Anti then." Marvin mused thoughtfully as Schneep returned, handing the steaming mug in his hands to Jameson.

"If Jameson has to do zhe illusion again tomorrow, I fear zhat it might exhaust him." Schneep told the others.

"I'll come up with something." Marvin offered.

"It's settled then-"

"Wait, why don't we look for Anti when Signe and Jack are asleep? Then we'd stand out less and wouldn't have to come up with a lie for tomorrow." Chase interrupted the hero.

Jameson nodded thoughtfully as he sipped his drink, color gradually returning to his face.

"It's risky, but it could vork." Schneep murmured as he stroked his goatee.

"Robbie like night time! Night time has pretty lights and loud music." Robbie cheered enthusiastically.

"Alright, then we'll go tonight." Jackaboy-Man stated.

The egos took turns sleeping while they waited for Signe and Jack to fall asleep, which felt like forever.

Once their bedroom light went out, Marvin quietly cracked the door open and motioned for everyone to hurry outside before he slipped out after them and gently closed the door shut after him.

"Damn, this place is huge!" Chase gaped in awe as he looked around him with eyes wide in amazement.

"C'mon, we have to start looking somewhere. Let's try by the pier first." Jackaboy-Man suggested.

Together the six walked casually along the sidewalk, trying, but failing, to fit in.

At the closed gate, there was a note that looked like it was typed up by a typewriter, the words hard to read in the dark.

"Tell Jack to try harder to keep all of his little ducklings in a row. Love, Wilford Motherloving Warfstache." Marvin read aloud.

"Zhis isn't good." Schneep remarked.

"No shit!" Chase snapped.

"Robbie no like angry friends!" Robbie yelled, causing the two to begrudgingly fall silent.

"Robbie's right. Right now, we need to tell Jack-"

"Then we'll never be able to stay in the real world!" Chase argued, cutting off Marvin.

"Would you rather be free or have Anti back?" Marvin shot back.

"Frankly I could do without him." Jackaboy-Man shrugged, earning a punch on the shoulder from Marvin.

Jameson pulled on the sleeve of Schneep's lab coat to earn the doctor's attention, the dapper male pointing at where they had come from.

"Ve should go back." Schneep agreed reluctantly.

"How is Wilford even here?" Marvin wondered aloud as the six walked back towards the house.

"I guess Mark freed him and the others like Jack freed us. It doesn't explain why they're here in Brighton though." Jackaboy-Man predicted.

"More friends?" Robbie asked hopefully.

"Probably not." Chase muttered.

Just as the egos snuck back into the house, they heard a blood curdling scream emanate from upstairs, the voice sounding like Jack.

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