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HUGE trigger warning here. Please do NOT read this if you get triggered by these kinds of things. If you get triggered by these things at all than you shouldn't be here in the first place if you read the warning in the description. I don't support self harm or want anyone to ever go through the pain of it. I don't want anyone to hurt like that. Again don't read this if you're easily triggered. I don't want to hurt you.

Isn't it funny how we can go from laughing and having fun with friends and family but then start to get upset because you start to get left out and you start to distance yourself because you don't want to bug anybody but you don't want to be alone. The dark parts of your mind wake up once it gets quiet and you're all alone. It screams and yells until you're breathing hard trying not to let it win. It gets stronger so you start to cry. You turn up the music or turn on the water to drown out the noise you're making. You try covering your mouth but you can't breath like that so you can't. All you can do is sit there panicking trying your hardest not to give in to your old ways. It's been awhile after all. Then after a few minutes you go numb. You can't feel a thing. All you hear is the voices screaming but you don't care anymore. You can't keep fighting. It's too much. You just sit there with silent tears running down your cheeks slowly. You don't even notice until you feel the little drops of salty water hit your thighs. Then you give up. You want to feel something. You need to feel something so you go back to your old ways. You grab the pair of scissors kept in the bathroom and just start scratching away at your wrist. You don't care at the moment. You need to fell the pain. You keep scratching more violently while the voices scream for you to keep going until you've scratched the skin off. They keep telling you to put more pressure and speed into it. You can't stop. It's been too long. So you just keep scratching. You don't stop until your arm is tired and about a layer of your skin is gone. Some if it sticking to the scissors. You're sadistic mind feels relief and you smile. You've done it. You've calmed the voices. You sit there looking at what you've done. You can think again. You don't care. You needed it for so long but you forced yourself not to. You don't care that your best friend is spending the night tomorrow. You don't care if anyone finds out again. You know you will in the morning but right now you're just numb to it. You get up. Fix your makeup. You wash the tear stains off then go back to everyone with a smile on your face. You act like nothing ever happened. I don't understand why we do this. I never have and I don't think that I ever will. I do it all the time but I still don't get it. That's what's so funny about it. Not even we know why it's always this way.

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