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You're never going to see this but I miss you.
I never stopped loving you.
It's been over half a year and yet I'm still not over you.
I miss your smile
Your eyes
Your laugh
Your voice
Your personality
I miss you
I miss our late night talks
I miss Skyping you until 4 in the morning
I miss the way you made me so happy
I miss how I could talk to you about anything and not get judged
I miss how excited you got over the littlest things
I miss listening to you play your guitar
I miss hearing about how you are and what was going on in your life
I miss everything about you
I'd give anything to have one more da with you
I'd do anything to hold you back in my arms
But you left me
You broke your promises
You said it wasn't my fault
You said you still loved me
If you still loved me you'd still be here
If you loved me you wouldn't have broken me
I was getting better
I was happy
But now I hate myself
I'm back where I started before I met you
No I'm worse
The hardest part of this is that I can't even tell you this
You're just gone
You left
You made sure I wouldn't be able to contact you
I go back and read through all of our past texts
I'll smile at it
I'll laugh at a few
Then I'll break down
The memories are all I have left
If you ever happen to see this just know that I still love you
I never stopped
I'll never forget you
I tried so hard to forget
I tried so hard to move on
But nobody compares to you
No one in the world could stop me from holding on even if I wanted to
Deep down I know you're never coming back
You didn't even say goodbye
Why would you come back?
But my heart still holds on to hope that you'll be back

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