He was always her protector.

Evelyn grabs the notebook beside her before jotting down her own question. She slides it to her brother, a small smile forming as he reads the few words written.


The same three questions she asks every Thursday. Though the consistency of it annoys Reece a little, he can't help but smile at the girly handwriting.

"Yeah," he starts off, shuffling the cards as he speaks. "College is going pretty decent. One of the professors got sick Tuesday and didn't call for a substitute, so I only had two classes that day."

Evelyn nods to show that she's paying attention before picking a card from the shuffled deck and moving the number of spaces indicated.

"McKenzie kinda broke up with me last Saturday," he continues with a sigh, forcing Evelyn to look up in shock. Lips part in confusion as her dark brows furrow. A spark of anger ignites as she tries to figure out why McKenzie stopped dating her brother. "Nothing too serious."

Evelyn snatches the notepad before quickly scribbling one word.


Reece sighs as he moves his blue piece. He gives a small wave of dismissal. "It's nothing important."

Why, Ree?

He sighs again, starting to sound a little annoyed. "Evelyn, it's not important, okay? She's just some chick."

Both know the inaccuracy of the statement. McKenzie is not "just some chick". Reece loves her or at least feels some kind of strong affection to stay with her.

Seeing the saddened look in his eyes, Evelyn decides not to press any further. Her brother's in pain, and she doesn't want to make it any worse.

She places her pale bony hand on her brother's in an attempt for comfort. Reece gives a gratuitous smile before switching his game piece with hers and sending hers back home.

Evelyn gapes as Reece raises the sorry! card. "Sorry," he mocks before giving a small smirk. Evelyn purses her lips in a pout, not liking the momentary distraction he caused.

Reece laughs as his sister is forced to practically start over. "Mac and Andrea miss you," he says, causing Evelyn to smile.

Mac and Andrea are Reece's best friends. Anytime they hung out at the house, they'd include Evelyn and became the friends she never had.

I miss them too, she writes, a small smile forming. Her lips burn in protest due to being so chapped, but she ignores it.

A few moments of silence pass as the two continue to play the game. Out of the corner of her eye, Evelyn notices the pitying stare her brother gives. She almost sighs.

Every week, Reece would make mental notes of his sister's health. Compared to last week, she has gained a few more grey roots. Her fingers have become thinner and colder. Her cheeks have become more hollow.

Every week he'd notice the little things.

And she'd pretend he doesn't.

Because if Evelyn got into deep thought about her older brother's worries, then she would start to get worried too. Worry and Arkham Asylum are a horrible combination.

Evelyn looks up, forcing Reece to look down at the board and pretend he wasn't staring at his sister.

"Mom?" she manages to croak out, her voice raspy from disuse.

Reece looks up, almost seeming scared of the voice. A voice that was once filled with energy and life now sounds old and empty. Every week she's managed out at least one word and it's always the same one.


"She..." Reece trails off, trying to think of a lie that isn't the same as last time's. "She misses you."

Evelyn's shoulders unintentionally slump. 'She misses you' is usually code for 'you're being forgotten'.

Evelyn nods her head slowly before moving her piece a few spaces forward. Reece gives a forced smile before pointing to her hair. "Maybe I can sneak you in some more hair dye," He jokes, chuckling a little afterward.

Evelyn nods along as he laughs, giving a forced smile to her brother.

For the rest of their time, the two played the board game, Reece cheering after winning. They gave each other a good-bye hug, Reece promising he'd be back the next week, just like always, with new stories and such.

She watches her brother walk through the gate and out of sight, covering his mouth and nose to protect himself from the nearby pollution. He was gone.

And she was all alone again.

Woohoo! First chapter! Yee!


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