f i v e // in the name of the king

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Leah sat up after having fallen asleep on the couch. She rubbed her eyes and looked up at the masculine figure standing next to her.

She expected it to be her Father but when her eyes adjusted she noticed that the man had vibrant blue violet eyes. She gasped. "You."

Rhys nodded. "Yes, it is me."

Jared walked in to see Rhys. "You could have knocked at least."

Rhys shot him a glare. "The only reason I'm not having you executed is because you are my beloved mate's father."

"Kill me for all I care. Just consider what Leah will think of you if you do." Jared said smirking at Rhys who looked fearfully at Leah.

Rhys had never feared anything or anyone before. But for the first time, he feared that Leah would reject him. He would never allow Leah to leave him, even if it meant that she was miserable until she died. He refused to be left in the darkness without Leah as his light.

"Dad can I have waffles?" Leah asked as she walked casually into the kitchen.

Jared and Rhys both looked concerned as their brows furrowed and their foreheads creased.

"Leah, are you sure that you're okay with this?" Jared asked.

"Do you mean am I okay with being dragged off by some immortal king or the part where I'm half angel?" Leah asked with an arched brow showing that she wasn't okay with either.

Jared ran a hand over his face looking at Rhys who looked down at Jared, not sure whether he should be worried or perhaps amused.

"You'll get used to it." Jared said to Rhys.

"Doesn't this process take girls back thousands of years or was this going on all this time?" Leah asked frustrated with the freezer door.

"Most of the time the girls go willingly but I have a feeling that you won't be so willing." Rhys said crossing his arms over his chest, his violet eyes glinting in the sunlight.

"Maybe it would have helped to tell me before yesterday." Leah said shooting her father a look.

Jared shook his head and looked at his hands.

Rhys' eyes shone with obvious amusement.

"Jared, I hoped that you would have better prepared her for this day." Rhys said glaring at Jared.

"It was rather difficult to explain to her about her mother, imagine the shock she would have been in if I told her any of this too soon." Jared said shaking his head. "When she found out Santa wasn't real, that was a bad day."

Leah shuddered remembering it.

Nodding, Rhys noticed how much Leah was like her mother, Penny.

"Leah, we need to get going." Rhys glared at Jared, wanting to get her away from all other creatures of the make gender.

"Promise me that I can come back to visit." Leah said with a stubborn glint in her electric blue eyes. The kind of look that made Rhys want to give in immediately.

"As you wish." Rhys said nodding and waving Leah over. She obeyed looking at her Father for one last time before she was swept up in the strong arms of Rhys.

"Finally mine again."

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