Chapter 18

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Miko P.O.V. (Sunday 21st)

"Miko!~" Mika came trudging into the room dramatically falling onto the end of my bed. "Yes?" I asked. "Theo, went to bed so now I'm bored and Maki Is busy on the phone." He said rolling over with a pouting look on his face. "Awe, Mika, and Theo sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G~" Lucas started singing laughing when Mika threw a pillow at him. "Hey stop that." He whined. 

"Go to bed then. You've been up since like 4 Am." I laughed pushing the bowl of popcorn towards him. "I don't want to. I'm full of energy. I feel like running." He replied shoving popcorn into his mouth. "You need to do a sport to get all that energy out," I said getting up from my bed stretching. "Where going?" Lucas asked laying back on the bed dropping pieces of popcorn in his mouth. "To make Maki join us," I said walking across the hall to the twins room seeing Maki laying on his bed talking to someone on the phone.   

"Who is ya talking to?" I asked laying next to him on his bed. "Vincent..." He whispered. "Hi, Vincent." I chirped into the phone. I could hear a laugh from the other end of the phone as Maki pushed me away with a laughing smile. "When you are done on the phone come, hang out with us in my room," I said rolling off his bed onto my feet. "Will do," he said waving at me as I left the room. 

I skipped back into my room gasping when I looked out the window catching sight of something falling outside. "Snow!!" I yelled running to my balcony door swinging it open as Lucas and Mika got up slowly from the bed to join me outside. "It is so pretty," I chirped stepping out into the cold night air watching the snow fall around me. Mika and Lucas came out looking up at the sky and around at the snow falling. 

"Hey, hey. does my hair blend in?" Mika asked laughing gasping when he saw his breath smoke in the air. "I'm a dragon!" He yelled laughing blowing out a big puff of air. I laughed hard enough that I snorted at his joke. "What are y'all doing? You're gonna catch a cold out here." Maki said walking into my room seeing we were out on the Balcony. He walked out shaking when the cold air hit him. "We're hanging out in the snow." Lucas chirped.

"Boys get inside before you get sick." I could hear dad yell as I heard the front door open and close. We all laughed walking back into my room and out in the hall to greet dad as he was getting home from a date or work. "Hey, oldie." Lucas greeted hugging dad as he made his way past my room. "How was work?" I asked questioning whether it was work he was at. 

"Good. I got all my work done and I'm off for the next five days for Christmas." He answered walking into his office dropping off his bag and laptop in the room as he came back out undoing his tie and suit jacket. 'Are we doing anything for Christmas besides gifts?" Asked Mika leaning in my doorway. "Besides our Christmas breakfast nothing really. Grandma and Stacy are coming too. Don't worry I already got y'all gift for them cause it was a last minute plan." He said yawning running his hand through his clean neat hair making it frizz out. "Okay. When are they getting here?" Maki asked pushing his way into the hall past Mika.

 "Tomorrow night so I need to get some sleep to deal with them and the mass cleaning they are gonna end up trying to do once they get here." He said yawning again. "Okay. Sleep well, my father. Goodnight." I said as we all walked back into my room as he headed into his room. "Don't be too loud boys." He called back to us closing his bedroom door. 

"Y'all want to watch Nightmare before Christmas??" Lucas asked flopping onto my bed. "Yes." The Snowballs whispered yelled diving onto the bed leaving me to get it up on the tv. 

Time Skip. 

I rolled out of bed untangle myself from all the legs in the bed. I rubbed my eyes yawning as I stood up grabbing my phone. I looked back at the bed seeing Mika laying across the top of the bed Lucas' head on his stomach and Maki body under the blanket like a giant ball off in the corner. I walked out of my room walking downstairs to the kitchen. 

I opened the cabinet under the sink pulling the dog and cat food bins out rolling them over to the food bowls in the dining room. I scoop some into the cat bowls and then switched to the dog bin putting some into Marcus' bowl before taking them back in the cabinet. I heard Marcus walking towards the room with the little clicking of his nails against the wood floors. 

I smiled as he passed me to get into the dining room. I walked up to the fridge opening it and grabbing some plain yoghurt setting it on the counter as I opened the pantry to grab the Fruity Pebbles dumping some into the yoghurt. I put the cereal away grabbing a spoon and mixing my yoghurt as I headed into the living room turning on the tv as I unlocked on my phone.  

I took a bite of yoghurt as a texted Daddy that I was awake. "Jeez, It's 7. I slept in late." I mumbled to myself as I Uploaded an old photo to Instagram cause I can't post a photo with all these hickeys. I got notifications immediately after posting it. I eat my yoghurt waiting for Daddy to text me back as I watched animal planet. 

"Goodmorning," Dad greeted walking into the living room already dressed and ready for the day. "Goodmorning, Dad," I said waving at him as I watched the wolf dogs fight over the kill. "Are the boys still asleep?" He asked watching the tv. "Yea, I didn't feel like waking them up so I left them there," I said setting my empty yoghurt container on the coffee table. 

"So... Who is your new boyfriend?" He asked looking over at me causing me to choke on air. "Ugh..." I mumbled for a few seconds, before,  "William." I mumbled very quietly Avoiding making eye contact by staring at my phone. I texted Daddy asking him what to do but not getting a response in time before Dad started talking again. "William, who? Does he go to school with your brother or something?" he asked typing away at his phone. "Nope." I popped the P just as my phone dinged. 

Daddy~ Just tell him if you want to. It's your choice. He is your father. 

"Not very helpful," I mumbled setting my phone down as I looked up at the old man to see him giving me the side eye. "Okay. If I tell you the last name. You are not allowed to flip a table." I said pointing my finger at him like it was a warning. "Deal But I am allowed to say whatever comes to mind first." He said sitting down next to me. "Good-" 

"That oldie. Jeeze you had me worried you dating some fuck boy from online or something or god forbid one of Lynne's boys." He said looking like he relaxed a lot. "Wait so your not mad or anything about my relationship?" I asked raising a brow at him. "Not really. From what I know he only ever been with 4 people and doesn't play those cheating games. His Uncle has also told me he very devoted to those he falls for that why there are so few of them." He replied wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "Plus you're my oldest son. You could've picked anyone and I would support you. There is only one of you." He said rubbing my shoulder. 

'I'm heading out to get a few things so we can be ready when My mother gets here tonight. I love you, Miko." He said standing up. I laughed, "I love you too old man." 


word count 1405. hey, guys here is a chapter. It felt like it took forever to write tho. I still got all A's yes I am being a nerd. I got to keep that good GPA my bros. Y'all have a good night/day and leave anything questions and comments for characters below if you have any. Bye-bye. 

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