Chapter Six: Betrayal

Start from the beginning

Glancing over at her I shrugged. "It's a secret."

She stopped asking questions and continued to walk beside me. I was quiet relieved she'd stopped questioning what I was going to do. Truth be told, no one would like it.

All you have to do is give yourself up to RiverClan... It won't be that hard, I thought to myself, but I couldn't lie, I was terrified. If Heatherstar found out...

"Russettail, you aren't going to do something rabbit-brained are you?" Shrewclaw asked suddenly, breaking the silence.

I swallowed down my fear. "Don't worry about it, it really isn't that bad."

Shrewclaw frowned and turned away from me. "Be safe." Then she raced away.

I sighed and laid down in the snow, wishing to be alone with my thoughts. I wished I could sink into the ground and disappear forever.

"Mind if I sit by you, Russettail?" Cinderleaf asked, startling me.

"Sure!" I purred, batting the ground with my tail. "Where are Mothkit and Redkit?"

She sat down, settling down beside me. "They're in the nursery with Talltail." My sister shook her head. "I want to talk to you about that thing you're going to do."

I blinked in surprise at her. Shrewclaw! "I'm going to stop RiverClan from hurting WindClan. No big deal."

"How're you going to stop RiverClan?" she asked with a smirk. "You got a plan?"

My eyes shined. "I have my ways. Yes, I have a plan. It's a good, well, thought out plan," I replied, definitely lying. There was nothing well thought out about it.

"Well then, I'm in!" she announced with a flick of her tail. "Let's hear this plan."

"Sorry, you can't join because it'd break Talltail and your kits' hearts," I told her. "So no, you're staying here while I goto ThunderClan camp."

She hissed. "If I can't do it then you can't either! I'll just follow you."

"You can follow me," I mewed simply. "But you won't like what you see." I stood up, continuing my journey to RiverClan, getting a glimpse of Cinderleaf following behind me.


Cinderleaf and I sat on the border, waiting for a patrol that should be coming soon with the sun setting.

"So, are you going to tell me your plan now?" the she-cat asked for the millionth time.

I sighed. "No. As I said before: You'll try to talk me out of it, and I think it'll work, with someone like me, at least."

"Well, well, well, look what we have here, Bluefur," growled a low voice who came out of the bushes, three other cats following him.

"Adderfang, nice to see you too." I dipped my head respectfully. "You too, Bluefur."

"How can ThunderClan help you, Russetpaw?" Bluefur asked, tilting her head.

"It's Russettail, now," I mumbled and shook my head. "I'm actually here to talk with Hailstar. And Hailstar only." I narrowed my eyes at Adderfang, Thrushpelt, and Tawnyspots.

"Well, you cannot talk with-" Bluefur began and Tawnyspots dipped his head, interrupting the she-cat he purred, "Hailstar would be glad to talk to you Russettail. Please follow me."

I walked over the border and followed the tom, getting glares from the cats surrounding me and Cinderleaf.

As we walked through the forest I felt small and crowded. How can they live here? And why would they want to? I asked myself, shivering.

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