Chapter One: A First Glimpse

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The scent of dog was still faint in camp, the wind blowing a cool breeze through the WindClan cats' fur.

My ears pricked as I waited for Cinderkit and Dawnkit to line up next to me, Littlekit and Cherrykit already beside me.

"Sorry we're late!" Cinderkit squeaked, standing beside Littlekit, Dawnkit standing beside me.

I took a deep breath, nodding at them. "Ready... Set... GO!" I yowled racing forward, Dawnkit right behind me. My heart racing I spotted Redclaw in front of me, staring at me with wide eyes. I leaped into the air, making it over my father I landed on my paws and kept running.

Cinderkit was suddenly beside me, her pawsteps clumsy and loud.

I pushed forward, breathing heavily I rammed into the warriors den. "First!" I called, smiling.

A dark shape was now in front of me and I looked up. Dawnstripe. "Hi Dawnstripe..." I mewed, looking at my paws glumly.

"Did you hurt Littlekit or Cherrykit?" she demanded, glaring down at me.

"No momma!" Cherrykit walked up to Dawnstripe. "We were just racing!"

I scowled. "You don't have to be so protective!" I snorted with a roll of my eyes.

Cloudpool paused, glaring down at me. "Don't be rude, Russetkit." She continued walking to the medicine cats den.

Russetkit huffed. "Who was last?"

"I was!" Littlekit said with a sigh. "Only because you guys are four moons older than Cherrykit and I!"

Dawnkit's head tilted. "Yep! We're better at running and hunting it appears."

Dawnstripe walked away, her face held pure terror.

"We're five moons old. We're going to be apprentices soon!" I smiled with delight. "Well Littlekit, look like you have to take my punishment. Clean the elders for ticks. Good luck." I turned around and walked away, an evil grin on my face.

"I'll help Littlekit..." Dawnkit mewed, inching her way to the medicine den.

"Right, Dawnkit. You just want to be with Hawkheart to learn herbs," Cinderkit said, following me.

"Russetkit!" Dawnkit's angry voice broke the silence in camp.

I turned around and looked at her, my smile wide. "Yes, Dawnkit?"

"I want to be a medicine cat! There isn't a problem with that!" Her teeth were bared and her ears were flat on her head.

"Don't bother talking to me." I nodded at Cherrykit and Dawnkit who whipped around and walked away. But I bounced to the nursery, glancing up at the sky, the moon full and high in the sky.

I lay in my very own nest. I was the smallest of three two moons ago, but now I was the biggest. I close my eyes and slowly drift to sleep.


Sunlight shone through the entrance of the nursery, my eyes opened slowly, seeing everyone else was asleep, I exited the den silently to see that the dawn patrol was heading out. Redclaw, my father, at the head of it with Tallpaw and Shrewpaw following.

"Going somewhere?" Reedfeather's voice made me freeze cold.

"Just for a walk..." I mumbled. "Please let me go!"

"No," he replied. "In RiverClan Crookedkit twisted his jaw. I don't think your mother would be happy if that happened to you." He flicked hi tail. "Stay in camp." Then he trotted away.

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