Chapter Five: The Third Cat

Start from the beginning

"That would be wonderful! WindClan does need another warrior to guard camp, don't you think?" I looked around the empty camp. I was sort of talking him up too, being as he was my brother.

She nodded. "I want two warriors in camp at all times. I don't care who they are, we just need to be protected at all costs," she replied.

"But there is only one warrior in camp, and that's you," I pointed out.

"True. But Dawnstripe and Cherrypaw are training just outside of camp. And Cherrypaw is very fast so if we needed help she could easily go and get some," Hawkheart replied for Heatherstar, taking a bite of the rabbit.

I yawned and then smiled as Russetpaw and Reedfeather entered camp.

"Then what you'll have to do is bring your left paw forward or you could bite their tail," Reedfeather explained and Russetpaw nodded eagerly.

"But what if –" Russetpaw stopped himself and looked at us.

"Reedfeather, I need to speak to you in my den," Heatherstar mewed, and walked to her den, Reedfeather following.

Russetpaw bounced over to us. "Hello Hawkheart," Russetpaw purred.

"May we be excused?" I asked Hawkheart who smirked and nodded, taking another bite out of the rabbit.

I pushed my brother towards the apprentices den and stopped. "I've been thinking about the prophecy," I began. "And the cat has to be WindClan or RiverClan. Since Whitepaw was a dead end I don't have any other suggestions for RiverClan, but I think it might be Talltail or Cinderleaf. Because-"

My brother interrupted me with a hiss. "Can we stop worrying about the prophecy for one day?" he asked with a roll of his dark green eyes. "I'm sick off it. Can't we just be normal for once?"

"We always have to worry about the prophecy! We are not normal, either. We are always going to be a part of this prophecy and you must know that." My tail lashed as I continued, "We'll finish this conversation later, I have herbs to sort."

Trotting away I entered the medicine den, collecting all the herbs I entered the clearing where it started snowing. Russetpaw had irritated me.

I sighed and put them down and began sorting in the snow.

When I'd finished it had become a blizzard and as I put the sorted herbs in storage I realized that we, once again, had no Catmint or Chickweed. My heart pounded.

Hawkheart entered the den, shivering. "Brr!" he said, shaking his pelt, making snow go everywhere.

"Where have you been?" I asked as I put the last of the herbs away.

"I was watching the snowfall." He flicked his tail. "I also need to go over to WindClan base camp to check on Mothkit and Redkit."

"I'll do it!" I mewed quickly snatching up the Borage leaves before he could. "I want to see my sister's kits."

His ear twitched. "Alright. I'll check on Whiteberry's hip. She says that it aches." He grabbed an herb and exited the den, Dawnpaw following.

I exited camp, watching Cherrypaw and Dawnstripe race in camp, I continued to walk, then ran, hurrying to get to WindClan's base camp before my paws froze off.

When I'd reached the river I jumped across the stepping stones easily and entered camp, heading towards the nursery I heard a mew.

I stuck my head in. "May I enter?" I asked with a warm smile at my sister.

"Yes you may," she replied, Talltail nowhere to be seen. He must be getting her prey or something. She licked a ginger-and-black she-kit that I guessed was Mothkit.

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