How Going Vegan Stops World Hunger

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Wait, what? I can help stop world hunger by going vegan?

Yes, you can.

But taking animals out of our food supply would only intensify the situation!

Fortunately, that sentence is a myth.

As of 2014, an estimated 925 million people around the world were suffering the effects of hunger and poverty.

However, it is scientifically proven that there is more than enough food in this world to feed every single person.

So why are people continuing to starve? 

The answer is the fact that we waste all our resources raising billions of livestock animals for slaughter.

Imagine all the food a cow would eat over the course of 18-24 months(the extremely short life that tortured cows are given before they're brutally slaughtered for meat). Imagine it in a giant pile in front of you. Now imagine that a slaughterhouse worker came and killed that poor cow and cut up its body. Imagine the flesh of that innocent being in a pile in front of you.

Which pile would feed more people? The pile with almost 2 years of food for a cow? Or the small chunks of meat that used to be the cow's body?

The answer to that question is why the meat, dairy, and egg industry is so inefficient and wasteful, and why it's entirely unsustainable. 

Back in 2011, 883 million tons of corn and 260 million tons of soybeans were grown globally. However, 40-50% of that corn was fed to farm animals, and 80% of those soybeans was fed to farm animals. 

Cows and other farm animals are not very good at converting food to muscle mass(aka beef, pork, chicken, etc). It takes around 13 to 20 Lbs of grain just to produce one pound of beef! It takes 7 Lbs of grain to produce one pound of pork, and 4.5 Lbs of grain to produce one pound of chicken. If we just ate that grain directly, we could feed so many more people!

A study from the Institute on the Environment and the University of Minnesota proves that if all harvested crops were fed directly to humans instead of fed to farm animals and then to humans, we could add 70% more food to the world's supply. That's more than enough to feed 4 billion more people. No more world hunger!

This study also discovered that while 36% of all harvested plant calories are fed to livestock animals, only 12% of those calories are eaten by humans as meat. That basically means that we're wasting 2/3 of the calories that we harvest to feed to animals, when we could just feed those plants directly to humans and feed more people.

Every year, about 870 million people are affected worldwide by malnutrition. Malnutrition causes the deaths of about 2.5 million children under the age of 5 every single year.
Why are we still eating animals?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2018 ⏰

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