Part Thirty Two- Black's Dirty Little Secrets

Start from the beginning

I turned around with a glare. "Are you deaf George? I said get out."

He knelt down beside me and shook his head. "I walked away twice, and I'm not making it a third time. What can I do to help?"

"You want to help Draco?" I sounded suspicious, even to my own ears. "Why?"

George paused for a moment before he answered. It sounded like he had talked to both Fred and Scorpius, which wouldn't have surprised me. "Because no matter what, you will always choose Draco over me."

If my heart could break anymore, it would have at those words. It was the honest truth, I will always choose Draco above everyone else in my life, even my own. And when George admitted this too me, I realized something for the first time. George was strong, yes, but in every strong man is a weakness in themselves. His was family, including myself and Harry. Draco's was finding that perfect family and containing it. Scorpius' was his faults. And mine-

I squeezed my eyes shut tightly. "Mine is falling in love."

George seemed puzzled, "What?"

"My weakness is falling in love." I replied solemnly. "And no matter what happens, I will always be in love with someone."

He wrapped his arms around me but I pulled away. Kreature coughed slightly, putting the water on the floor by Draco's head. I took the first sheet and tore a large piece off.

"Thank you Kreature. If we need anything, I'll holler." I said as I dipped the cloth in the hot water. My hand grazed Draco's forehead with the cloth and I heard him sigh again. I jerked my chin at the kitchen. "If you want to help, find us some food."

George got to his feet and paused. "Flare-"

"Please." I blinked back tears. "I don't want to talk right now. After meeting Scorpius, saving Drake and having you here, it's been a lot." I looked up at him. "It might be the last night where I get to see all of you alive."

I dabbed Draco's forehead as George disappeared without another word. My mind was blank, and when I tried to think of something, nothing would come. Once I cleaned his whole face, Draco opened his eyes for the first time. He stared at me, first with surprise, then with relief and thankfulness.

"You got the letter." He rasped quietly. I chuckled softly, wetting the cloth again. "I didn't think you would come though."

I gently lifted up his shirt and started to wipe the grim off his stomach. "Why wouldn't I?"

His hand stopped mine in its tracks. "You once told me what was to come of me. I changed that myself. I fought back and this happened. Yet, knowing this, you are still trying to help me. If you were smart, you wouldn't be here."

"Draco." I cautioned slowly. "You don't want to go there. It's complex."

"As complex as knowing that you are keeping secrets from everyone?" He countered softly. I pulled my hand away far to quickly for his liking because he reclaimed it just as quick. "What are you hiding?"


"Don't lie, Draco growled gently. "because you get that look in your eyes when you do."

I swallowed and shook my head. "Can you sit up?"

Draco let up a animalistic snarl as he struggled to do so. I reached out to help, my arm wrapped around his torso. He grabbed my shoulder in a bone breaking grip and I winced.

"Flare, you are still avoiding the question." He growled.

I slipped his shirt off and avoiding his eyes. "Lay back down. I need to clean you up."

He caressed my cheek with tenderness and turned my head towards his. "Tell me what's wrong."

I wanted to cry right then and there. But I swallowed my fear and told Draco the truth. "Drake, there is going to be a child."

Shock registered his face before he asked quickly, "And the father is?"


He gave a low whistle and said, "Wow."

He laid back down and I went to work gently wiping the grime away from the bruises as of nothing happened.

"Why did your father do this?" I whispered, stopping for a moment to see his father's masterpiece of bruises on his son. "Drake, why didn't you just come with me?"

He grabbed my hand again and pulled me closer to him. Automatically, I climbed on the couch and laid with him. Draco gave me a small smile before he answered softly. "My father doesn't care about me or my mother. Back when I was younger, it was my mom when she was wrong. Now, it's me. There is nothing I can do that will save my mom and myself at the same time."

"You both could have came with me." I whispered. "You could have run."

"Cowards run."

"Oh, and you aren't a coward Malfoy?"

I fell off the couch when George spoke. My head hit the hardware floor and I snapped so fast that I nearly threw myself at George.

"What the hell! You just stand there and say something in a conversation that you aren't even involved in? How long have you been standing there for?"

The look on George's face told it all. "Long enough."

For the first time, I was scared of George. It looked like he wanted to murder me and Drake and get away with it. Maybe that is what should have happened instead of the silence we were treated to.

"George," I said quietly. "Don't torture yourself over this."

"You mean the fact he's the dad and I'm not, or the fact that you already chose him without my fighting chance?" George shot back. "Because when this is over, you are going to have to choose Flare. And while I fight for you, what will you both do?"

I stood up shakily. "George-"

"He's right." Draco coughed out. "You are going to have to choose."

I grounded my teeth together. "Draco-"

George sighed. "Flare, why don't you just head upstairs? Us men need to have a talk."

I hesitated and Draco mused, "We can't kill each other Flare. Especially when you're in the same house."

With a nod, I gave Draco a peck on the cheek before going up to George and doing the same thing.

George kissed my forehead before sending me off like a child. I headed up the stairs, right into Dad's room and fell asleep to the soft murmurs of the guys talking.


A/N Well, this is the first time I am doing this, so I wanted to say thank you for reading and your support. Feel free to comment, critique and/or vote, and to, of course guess what is about to happen. For example, what are George and Draco talking about when Flare falls asleep? Or what happened to Scorpius after Flare left? And the big one: Will Flare choose George or Draco? Thank you again and bear with me!

Black vs Weasley (A George Weasley Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now