Book I - A New Hope

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Quick housekeeping note: 

If you haven't read 'How to Be a Husband' (which is the prequel to these, and is on my profile) you should, or you might be confused about what is happening here. 

Alright! So I did decide to combine the books, so there will be seven (as of right now) 'mega' books, with six books in each. Each 'mega' book will correlate with one season of Game of Thrones. Each book in the 'mega' book will be about ten chapters (I think that's how it's going to work out anyway, may be more, may be less) so the 'mega' book will be about 60 chapters in the end.  Each of the books in the 'mega' book will be of a different POV, and I laid this out in my book 'The Characters - A Wikipedia' which also gives details on each POV and person, so go check that out, but if you just want a quick 'how this works' then you can find that here (But the stuff may be different as I write it, just go with the flow y'all)!

Each mega book will have the POVs in the same order, they will rotate, kind of like a wheel. 

So each mega book is laid out like this:

I. Robb Stark and Elia Martell

II. Daenerys Targaryen and Khal Drogo

III. Jaime Lannister and Arya Stark - Lannister

IV. Jon Snow and Tauriel

V. Brandon (Bran) Stark and Elsie Snow

VI. Tyrion Lannister and Mariya Hill

In this specific 'mega' book, the books are:

I. A New Hope

II. A Bright Star

III. A Mission of Hope

IV. A Following

V. A Bird Without Wings

VI. A Blind Love

Alright! So that's how it's going to go, and if you go onto my wikipedia book you'll notice that I don't have all seven seasons planned out yet, that is for a reason. I haven't yet figured out how I want it to go past season five, but I can promise you I am going to do something, and when I decide I will post it on the Wikipedia. 

Now for those of you who like 'regular' updates I am sorry to say I cannot give you those. I am a nursing student. I work 48 hour shifts and do eight hour clinicals plus actually attending classes and doing school work. My classes are year round, so I do ten weeks on and then two weeks off. Right now, I just began my two weeks off and I posted about to be four chapters, character pictures, and updates just in one day. So when I do something, I do a lot, and this takes a lot of my time. But I love doing it, so if y'all would please be patient with me, and leave comments, or votes, it really helps me to see my imagination brighten someones day, or even hour, minute, whatever! 

I hope you enjoy these first five books!

Winter Is Coming!


A New Hope (Books I - VI)Where stories live. Discover now