Chapter Two- Sean

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"Wha- what are you doing here?" Sean asked Mark, with his palms sweating from anxiety. Another feeling angels can't have.

"Are you actually anxious?" Mark asked, extremely confused.

"Yeah, are you gonna tell me I'm a fucked up angel? If you are I'll save you the trouble. I know I am." Sean told Mark.

"Did you just curse? What? How? Isn't there something in your brain that doesn't let you say that?" Mark asked.

"Yep. Odds are its broken." 'Just like me.' Sean thought as he spoke.

"Damn, you are fucked up." Mark said. "Sorry if that seemed rude. Im a demon so Im rude a lot."

"Its fine. I get it." Sean said, not talking anymore.

"May I come in? Its cold out." Mark asked Sean.

"Isn't it against your nature to be in an angel's residence?" Sean asked, feeling unsure about letting a demon in his home.

"Well you aren't the normal angel, now, are you?" Mark stated.

'He has a point.' Sean thought. "Come in. The house never really changed since the last time you were here." Sean said as he moved to the side, letting Mark in.

Mark was freezing and Sean could tell. His body was shivering, viciously at that.

"I-if you want, you can come in my room. It at least has a heater and a blanket." Sean said. Mark nodded.

Sean led Mark to his room, even though he didn't need to, and turned his heater on high. Sean sat on his bed and patted a space for Mark to sit.

"Why are you being so nice? I know you can punch me so why don't you?" Mark asked.

"Because I know the real you." Sean said. 'At least it wasn't a complete lie.' he thought.

"Okay. If you say so. Do you still have your games?" Mark asked.

Sean nodded. "Yeah. In the same place that it's always been. In the game room. Why, do you wanna play?" Sean asked.

"Duh! Why else would I ask?"

Sean shrugged his shoulders and walked to the game room with Mark by his side. "So, what do you want to play?" Sean asked as they walked.

Mark answered as they entered the room. "GTA 5 online. You have that right?"

"Yeah. Dan had to be the one to buy it though." Sean explained as he put the game in the consol.

"You're friends with Dan? Dan Howell? Isn't he a demon? And why couldn't you buy it?" Mark asked.

"First off, angel. I can't buy a game past the E rating or I'll get glares for being so messed up. You seem to forget that. Also, yes. He is the only demon I'm friends with. He is somehow nice and he can look past his demonic thoughts just like I can look past my own angelic thoughts. We're like one in the same." Sean explained.

"We're one and the same. We're something more than ordinary. One and the-" Mark started to sing but Sean cut him off.

"How about no?" Sean said.

"Someone is in a sassy mood." Mark stated.

Sean blushed but turned away from Mark so he wouldn't see. However he knew it was too late because Mark started to tease him about it.

They sat on the couch that was in the room and started playing. "Can we helicopter joust?" Mark asked.

Sean smiled and went to the airport. "I hope you people don't need this right now. I promise I'll bring it back in one piece." Sean said to the airport workers as he jumped in the helicopter.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2018 ⏰

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