Zoo 2

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Andy POV

Daddy said that we were going to the zoo today. But after what happened last time. I didn't really wanna go. But I didn't dare tell daddy that. But this time Ronnie said that he would come with us. That made me feel a bit better about going because I know he wouldn't just leave.
And it's not that I dont trust Ashy, I do, but I'm just scared of being left alone again.
"Hey baby boy. Are you ready?" Daddy asks as he enters the room.
I was busy playing with my Batman toys. I didn't really wanna leave but I knew daddy would tell me that we have to leave.
"Guess'so." I shrug as he smiles and picks me up.
He carries me to the back room and sets me down on the bed.
"Are you excited that Ronnie is coming?" He asks as he quickly changes me.
I nod. I was, Ronnie was fun to be around.
Once I was changed daddy helps me into a baby animal onesie, one of my favorite ones. Besides my Batman of course.
There's a knock on the door and daddy answers it and I see Ronnie standing there.
I squeal, "Wonnie!" I hold my arms out to him and he walks over and picks me up, "I miss'ded 'ou."
He laughs, "you just saw me the other day buddy." He smiles and ruffles my hair, "but I missed you too."
"Now that you're here, Ronnie, we can go. If youre ready." Daddy says.
Ronnie nods and carries me out to the car I guess they rented.
Daddy grabs my bag with all my stuffs in it and follows us. Ronnie sets me in a car seat. I've never been in one. I didn't know they made them bigger. Daddy straps me in and climbs in next to me. I'm glad he's next to me, so I won't be lonely.
"I has bwankie daddy?  P'ease?" I ask reaching for the bag.
Daddy coos, "of course bubby. How could I say no to you." He boops my nose and hands me my blankie.
I babble happily and nuzzle my blankie to my cheek.
Daddy gives me my paci and I suck on it happily.
I totally forgot where we were going. All I know is that I had my paci and my blankie. I wanted pengy, but daddy said I might lose him, so he couldn't come with.
We drive for what felt like forever before we got to where we were going.


I watched as Andy babbled to himself, I loved the way he babbled. He hardly ever does it unless he's really deep down in his mindset. I stroke his hair absentmindedly and he leans into my hand. I knew he loved when I played with his hair. Usually it puts him to sleep, usually.
I kiss his nose and begin to unstrap him from the car seat, "we're here Andy." I coo.
He smiles behind his paci and clapped his hands. Fuck he's adorable. I climb out of the car and pick him up, carrying him to the entrance.
Ronnie grabs Andy's diaper bag and follows behind us.
I set Andy into a stroller and push him through to an opening past the gates.
"Alright Andy, where to first?  How about the butterflies?" I ask,  pulling the hood back so I could see him.
He shakes his head,  I completely forgot he didn't like bugs. They scared him.
"How about the elephants?  Or maybe the lions?" I tried to steer him away from  the penguins because of the fact that they were working on the habitat.
"I'd like to see the lions." Ronnie says, trying to help Andy make a decision.
"Otay!" Guess that was it. We were going to see the lions.

Andy POV

After we saw a few animals I started to get hungry. Daddy and Ronnie were busy fighting over what we were going to see next. I didn't like yelling so I covered my ears as best I could while undoing the straps on the stroller.
I looked up to make sure they didn't see me, they didn't. I climbed out, taking my blankie, and wandered off to find food.
I walk for a good few minutes before I run across a vendor. I slowly slip out of my mindset and walk up to the vendor.
"Hi sweetie, can I get you something?" A man asks.
I nod and scan the menu. Would daddy be mad if I got food?  Would he be mad that I left? Maybe I should head back. After I get something to eat.
"C-cant I get one of those?" I point to a big sugary pastry looking thingy.
"An elephant ear hun?" The guy asks and I nod.
"Do you have any money sweetheart?" He asks as one of the people in the back make it.
I reach for my pockets and frown, "n-no.." I was so hungry though.
"Im sorry. I can't give it to you. You need money." He says with a frown.
I sigh, "ok. Sorry."
I head back to daddy and Ronnie. But.. Where were they?


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