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A sudden shiver ran down my spine as lance took off running towards the person. I pulled my weapon out, my gun to be precise and shot the person in the head watching them fall to the ground. Lance stopped dead in his tracks.

"Lance! Back up," I yelled suddenly remembering how it really started.


"Althea, look their hurt," my brother yelled running towards them. His fluffy red hair bouncing up and down as he ran. I ran after worried. Once we reached we found the person seriously broken. One of their arms was missing, but their blood was fake. Black stuff started oozing from their body.

"Kit run!" I yelled starting to pull him back but it was too late. I was thrown over two hundred feet. My lion caught me in mid air as I watched my brother be killed. Tears streamed down my face as I screamed. The lion wasn't listening to me at that point, but I knew why. Because I broke down as the lion took me far away.

(End of flashback)

I need to kill that thing that killed my brother. I knew it's not dead.

"Get them outta here," I mumbled to myself. The white lion shot itself over, biting everyone up and floating back to the ship.

I walked closer, avoiding the body I walked into the ship. Wall to wall it was covered in rotting corpses, rotting blood, or new blood. I heard whimpering so I carefully walked towards it. I found a small child, black hair, deep blue eyes, she looked up at me in terror.

"Small child, did those monsters hurt you?" I asked kneeling down.

"Ye-s help me," she said crying. She clung onto me.

"Do you know if anyone is left alive?" I asked calmly.

"No, no one, it killed them all. I was only alive because it heard a voice from outside so it ran towards it instead of eating me," the child cried.

"It's okay," I calmed. I ran out of the spaceship with the child in my arms. I made it a distance before I heard a sound behind me. I set the child down.

"You see that spaceship over there, run towards it as fast as you can. People there will help you," I told the child. As she turned around and started running I turned around to face the monster that was growing in size. It had black oozing from it in all sides. Teeth the size of people. Eyes misplaced on the sides and tops of the head and neck. It truly was a monster.

I shot at it a couple of times realizing it was ineffective. I need to run! This thing killed my brother, I need to get revenge!

The monster was coming closer and closer as I shot at it.

"Distraction," I mumbled,"I'm not going to beat it like this."

"Hey!" Keith's voice yelled from behind me,"we can't activate the ship to get the lions out, so come on! We need to get out of here before you get yourself killed!"

"It's too fast," I yelled back,"you run I'll keep it busy!"

"No you'll die," he yelled running up next to me.

The oozing monster was very close, too close. Something shot out from it grabbing Keith. I heard his weapon tumble to the ground. The thing's mouth traveled from it's head to its arm about to bite Keith in two

I turned towards Keith my feet moving on their own. He was being held at the neck. I jumped in the way, shoving Keith out of it's grasp, shooting up in its mouth in the process. Some kind of black fog came out from its mouth, surrounding me. Blackness soon overwhelmed me.


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