Ch. 22

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Previously in Ch. 21:

"Not now, Sasuke. I need to tell you what actually happened." Naruto grabbed Sasuke's face before he could kiss him.

"Go ahead."

"Alright, it started when we walked towards that alley..."

Third Person POV

Naruto sat up to face Sasuke then sat back down on the bed.

"When we walked towards that alley, you remember that we saw the guy killing someone right?" Naruto asked.

"Yes, that's why we ran into the alley." Sasuke nodded.

"Okay, now tell me what happened in the alley." Naruto said.

Sasuke gave him a strange look then opened his mouth to talk.

"Well, the guy cornered us in there with the knife still in his hand. He lunged towards us and I'm pretty sure I pushed you to the side, just so you wouldn't get hurt. The guy tried to stab me with the knife, I dodged but he still grazed me on the side. He turned and actually stabbed my hand because I tried to grab it out of his hands. Even though he stabbed me, I didn't let go. I yanked it out of his hands, but that sent me flying backwards and I think I landed on you. When I turned around to make sure you were okay, the man pushed me and I ended up...stabbing you." Sasuke ended with a small sigh.

"That's what you think, that you stabbed me." Naruto patted his stomach.

"Wait what?" Sasuke looked up at him with a confused face.

"You didn't actually stab me, idiot." Naruto grinned.

"Then...what happened?"

Naruto sat up and straightened out his clothes.

"You pushed me to the side, but you pushed too hard and I rammed my head against the wall, probably knocking me out for a few minutes. When I awoke, I saw you fighting with the guy and I became worried. So, I stood up, but maybe I hit my head too hard because I fell right back down. I couldn't do anything to help you, and I was really scared. You were already injured and I just sat behind you like a helpless fool, but the next second happened too fast. You yanked the knife out of his hand, but lost balance and fell on me. When I see someone about to fall on me, I always stick my hands out. Turns out you had the knife pointed in my direction when falling, so it stabbed both my hands. Because of the hit from my fall earlier the pain was kind of dulled, but I guess the sight of my hands being stabbed wasn't appealing and I fainted. You must've thought you stabbed my stomach from just the amount of blood pooling around us, but if you think about it, it's the blood from both our hands. You didn't stab me in the stomach or I probably would've died right away." Naruto was out of breath after his explanation.

"Are you telling me that I didn't stab your stomach?" Sasuke's eyes were wide with confusion still.

Naruto reached over and hugged him. "What else do you think I'm saying?"

"Sorry, it's just so hard to comprehend right now. I mean, I lived basically my whole life thinking that I killed my best friend that was practically a younger brother to me."

"Well, now you know that's not what happened!" Naruto laughed. 

   Sasuke finally broke into a small smile, a relieved expression shown onto his face. 

   A long, but comfortable, silence hung in the air around them as they sat with their arms still around each other. 

"Let's continue on." Sasuke said. 

"What do you mean?" Naruto questioned. 

"Where we started, before all this broke out, let's continue our relationship." 

"Ha! Don't make me laugh! What relationship? It was only constructed of you sexually harassing me." Naruto joked while ruffling Sasuke's hair. 

"Exactly, except this time..." Sasuke's face got closer to his, "it's not harassment, it's pleasure." He smirked. 

   Naruto gulped as he saw how close Sasuke was to him, then a sly smile snuck its way up to his lips. 

"Alright. Impress me." Naruto challenged. 

To be continued...

A/N: Yeah, I know. It had a lot of paragraphs, but I had to explain it somehow. I hope it wasn't too boring for you guys to read, but I know it probably was. Next chapter will be smut so prepare for that. I have no idea when that will be published. Thank you so much for continuing to read this, and being patient with me. The support is really appreciated!!^^ 

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