Chapter one

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Elise's pov

I step out on the bus and go to take my bag. "That's the most infuriating bus trip i've EVER taken!" I mumble to myself. The first half of the trip had actually been quite pleasant until the most selfcenterd guy i have ever met decided too make it his mission to "woo" me. His tactic to that being lewd comments, extremley bad pick up lines and being waaay to close for comfort. Sadly he's on the same bus stop as me right now. I lock around quickley trying to see if i can spot him before i start making my way to Santa Carlas famous boardwalk. It's warm outside so i should be able to sleep outside if i have to (not like i haven't done that before) but hopefully i can eat something before i have to worry about that.

All around me there is all kinds of freaks and missfits so i should fit right in. Only a few people look at me as i pass them. I come to a stop at a small burger place by the road, seeing two kids searching a dumpster for food. My heart clench and i make up my mind.

"Hey kid!" I tap the girl on her shoulder. She jumps a little before looking at me."What is it." She mumbles staring at me weirdly. I hand her a couple dollars. "You should get something to eat and maybe call home." Her face shines up with a smile and she thanks me profusley. I just smile as i make my way to the burger place. A hand touches my shoulder. "That was a really nice thing you did there." A lady in her mid fourties states behind me. "They seem to need it more than me." The woman smiles "I'm Lucy Emerson." she introduces herself as she shakes my hand. "Elise Jason." I smile back. We talk a little while she waits for the food she orderd for her and her sons. "Mom there's an amusment park right on the beach!" A kid with blond hair says exited as he aproches us. "That's the boardwalk Sam." Lucy replies. Sam looks over at me. "Are you new here too?" He asks. I nod "I came here about an hour ago."

"FOOD READY!" The cook shouts out. Lucy gives me an aplogetic look. "It's okey i need to get going anyway." Lucy gives me a hug and Sam waves as i walk away.

/Time skip/

The entrance to the boardwalk is big and filled to the brim with families. I do my best not to bump in to anyone but it's harder than it sounds. There is people EVERYWHERE and it takes me about an hour before i manage to find a less populated area of the the boardwalk. I can see a comic book store not far away from where i stand and start making my way over there.

The stor is pretty big inside and they deserve their name as a comic book store, the whole place is filled with them. A teenager that looks like he idolizes rambo a little too much stares at me as i look through a few of their X-men comics. A pressing stare from the other side of the room makes it apperent that i have two stalkers instead of one. "Is there a problem?"

They follow me as i let my fingertips run over a stand with comics. "Just checking out your civilan wardrobe." The bandana guy replies. I look down at my ripped jeans and crop top. "Something wrong with my clothes?" I raise a brow. The other guy shakes his head before he gives me a vampire comic. "Take this, you might need it." the title says Destroy all vampires "Why would i need it?"

They keep following me as i make my way trough the store. "Santa Carla's a haven for the undead and you seem like an easy victim." Bandana says. Annoyed i move to leave the store but not before replying. "Vampires dosen't exist." The last thing i hear is. "That's what they want you to think, makes it easier for them to set their teeth in you."

I spend a few hours looking for something to eat when i find a chinese resturant. The decore inside is homey and the food is really good. For a good while i just sit there watching the day turn into night outside the window. After throwing away my trash i head outside.

All the coulored lights makes it look like a dreamland and a bit away i can hear saxophone music play. I make my way trough dancing prople and up the crowd a bit before i stop. Facing the stage i see a guy coverd in what looks like sweat and oil singing and playing a saxophone. I sway my hips to the beat enjoying the music. The feeling of someone watching me makes me turn my head.

A guy with ocean blue eyes and brown hair stares at me. I look away and keep dancing, after a while i realise he's still watching me licking his lips ocasionally. I sway my body a little more before i turn around to walk away. Looking back i see him following me. I avoid bumping into a couple sucking eachothers faces of as i walk towards the beach. A tap on my shoulder tells me my stalker finaly decided to catch up. His blue eyes has an intense look and he has a small smirk on his lips. "What's your name?" I smirk. "Elise, yours?" His adamsapple bobs as he swallows. "Michael. Are you new here?" I nod. "Came here today." I can see that he is about to say something when a voice cuts him of. "Michael mom's looking for us." Sam tells him before he notices me. "Hi Elise!" I give him a smile. "Hi Sammy!" Before walking away compleatley i can hear Sam say. "She wants me, all of me." and the sound of someone being smacked upon the head.

A little boy standing alone catches my attention. I give him a gentle tap on his shoulder. "Are you lost little guy?" The boy turns around and i feel my heart stop for a second. "Laddie?"

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