As soon as we sat down, the deacons wrapped up devotion and turned it over to the choir. My aunt was the choir director. Our church may be small but the choir was lit. It was a small family church. I swear everyone in here related. As the choir started singing, I felt a few people staring and could hear them whispering. I guess people realized who Gabe was. He sat on the end as I sat next in between him and Bree. I looked at him and smiled while whispering "I used to be the church celebrity." He simply winked back as we enjoyed hearing the crowd sing.

Soon my uncle grabbed the mic and my cousin, the pianist, starting playing the music.

"Oooh this is my song." I said filing out my tithes. I usually tithe 15% of whatever I made so today I placed $1000 in tithe. After filling out my envelope and handing it to the usher, I stood up with Bree as we both swayed and clapped while singing the song.

The Lord is my light and salvation

Whom shall I fear? Whom shall I be afraid?

"SANGGGGGG UNC!" I yelled as he sung the song. I was raised in an old southern baptist church, one thing we did for sure was praise the lord.

I will remain confident in this

I will see the goodness of the Lord.

The Lord is my light and salvation.

Whom shall I fear? Whom shall I be afraid?

My uncle and the choir continued to sing the song as offering was taken up. After offering, my uncle stood up and approached the podium in the pulpit to start his sermon. I loved hearing my uncle preach. He always preached directly to me without even knowing what was going on in my life most of the time.

"Good Afternoon Saints." He began. "I feel the spirit in here already. Thank you choir for your ministry. I wanted to to recognize someone visiting us today. Ms. Casey Jones." I cut my eyes to my granny knowing she had something to do with this. She knows I hate being put on spot. I showed a fake smile before waving acknowledging him. "Stand for me Casey." I did as I was told even though I didn't want to still with my fake smile. Not only was he putting me on the spot but also in front of Gabe. We were going to have a long talk after this.

"As you all may know, Casey is one of Atlanta's best attorneys. She's trying a very difficult case in the next few weeks. I'm sure we won't see her before then. You may have heard about Tyreke Henderson, the 25 year old black male that was shot and killed by police over a year ago. The city decided not to press charges against the officer. That same officer is still patrolling the streets today. Casey stepped up and did something most would be afraid to do. She decided to help the family and sue the city for the wrongful death of young Tyreke Henderson. Let's pray for her, pray that God gives his strength to make it through the trial. Pray that God guides her mind and her heart. Pray that God keeps her grounded and rooted through every attack the devil may have during this difficult time. Pray that the family of Tyreke Henderson gets justice. Amen church? Amen! Alright, Casey, you may sit down." I finally sat down as pulled up the bible app on my phone as my uncle read his verse from which he was preaching. Shortly after, he said a brief prayer and preached. Forty five minutes later church was over.

I stayed inside for about five minutes hugging some of the church members who wished me luck and simply thanked me. I grabbed Gabe by the hand as we all walked outside the church and stood on the sidewalk per usual.

"CASE!" I heard my auntie yell. "Hey Girl! I am so proud of you." She said hugging me. "You've always protected your cousins and here you are still standing up for your black men. Go on with your bad self honey." She said as she let go of the hug. "And who is this fine young man you have here." She said looking at Gabe.

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