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[Y/N] vs Callum

[Y/N] walked to the training grounds where she knew Soren and Callum were. If she timed in just right, she would get there before Claudia did and would see Callum fail miserably. Why did she like to see Callum fail miserable at flirting with Claudia? She had no idea. She just found it humorous how hard he tried. [Y/N] got to the training ground to see Soren teaching Callum with no Claudia yet. 

“Prince Callum, today we focus on the art of-.” 

“Art! Finally something I’m good at.” Callum said interrupting Soren making the young knight glare at him. “Sorry, sorry. Won’t interrupt again. Please… continue Soren.” 

“The art of defense is critical in sword-fighting. Parrying is about angle, motion, anticipation… Misjudge your opponent and it’s over. You ready?” Soren said poking Callum in the head. 

[Y/N] decided that watching this would be better than reading in the training grounds with Claudia, so she sat down on the grass watching them. Actually, she was “sitting” but she was levitating to do it. Soren dropped one of the fake wooden swords to the ground and Callum caught it. [Y/N] sighed knowing this was going to end in humiliation. 

“Uh, I’m gonna have to say no.” Callum said scratching the back of his neck. 

“Great. Let’s do this.” Soren sighed before starting his attack. “Parry, parry, parry… you’re dead.” 

Callum had managed to protect himself for three swings before falling on the ground. Callum gave him a look [Y/N] couldn’t quite pinpoint before the boy got off the ground. 

“Parry, parry… you’re dead.” Soren smacked Callum’s sword out of his hand. “Parry, dead.” 

“Ow.” Callum grunted when Soren hit him on the head. 

“Really? Are you sure? Even if I was wearing armor?” Callum asked him. 

“Even if you were wearing the rarest legendary armor, forged by Sunfire elves… super dead.” Soren told him. 

Callum scoffed. “I’m terrible at this!” 

“Yep,” said Soren, “but you have to practice anyway, because that’s what’s expected of a prince.” Callum reached down to pick up the wooden sword. “Or a step-prince, actually.” 

“What?” Callum asked turning to the blonde knight who had mumbled that last bit. 

“Don’t tease him, Soren.” [Y/N] said before floating herself over to the pair. “It’s not his fault his body structure gives him less physical mobility and small hands that don’t quite fit a sword.” 

“Wow. Thanks for the save, [Y/N].” Callum said sarcastically. 

“Your welcome. Now, I’m going to go back over there.” she said pointing back  to where she came before floating back. 

That’s when Claudia walked into the training grounds with her nose stuck in a book. [Y/N] chuckled to herself. Same old, Claudia. Same new, Claudia. Book nerd. She began walking towards the tree.

“Hey, your sister, she’s gonna walk right into that-.” 

“Shh!” Soren said interrupting him. 

“Claudia!” Callum shouted at her. 

Claudia was just about to walk right smack into that tree when she stopped and laughed nervously at herself. 

“Oh, hi, Callum.” Claudia waved nervously at her brother and friend. 

“You’re no fun.” Soren grumbled at the young prince. 

Verses [Callum x Reader] *Temporary Hiatus*Where stories live. Discover now