Chapter Two: Noise

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        Bang! Bang! Bang! What on earth is that? Maddie stirred, slowly coming to consciousness.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Whatever it is, it doesn’t sound good…

Maddie sat up wearily in her seat and sluggishly scanned the cockpit for the source of the noise. Instead, she only saw Dan, flicking switches and pressing buttons furiously, a frantic expression displayed over his normally relaxed features.

“What’s going on?” Maddie asked, slightly alarmed. Only then did she notice something was missing, something that had been ever-present since the beginning of the flight. The constant buzzing of the engine was gone.

“The engine failed!” Dan exclaimed. “I’m going to have to try to land the plane!”

Maddie sat straight up in her seat and grabbed onto her armrest! “What happened to it?” she asked him, terrified.

Dan looked at her, his face haunted by a far off, hopeless look. “I don’t know.”

Maddie looked out the windshield and noticed that the plane continued to glide. “Where can we land? All I see are trees and mountains!”

“Look for a clearing, a river, or a lake!” He directed her.

Maddie scanned the horizon. The tree line was getting closer and closer! Wait, what’s that there?!

“Dan!” She yelled, pointing to what appeared to be a small creek! “There!”

Dan nodded, and the plane sharply turned to the right. They were quickly losing altitude, and Maddie didn’t think they would make it. She closed her eyes, and realized how quiet it was without the constant sound of the engines. How impossibly quiet…

And then the silence was broken.

Chaos. Howling. The sound of the whole world being torn apart around her.

And then nothing.


To be continued…

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