PART - 9

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Hey everyone ,

Heads up:
The scene between ABHI and Pragya , is my first attempt. It's implied mature, in my opinion.
( finger's Cross , not really sure)
Do tell me your feedbacks.



At the Police Station:

Veer was sitting in his cabin staring at something ; when a constable told him about the arrival of the one he has been waiting for. He hid it with a file and asked the constable to send him in.

"What did you find ? Where is he? Did he say something about seeing someone?"
Abhi bombarded as he entered.

Veer just stared at him, contemplating how to break it to him. He sighed, got up from his seat and pulled him for a hug, which Abhi didn't reciprocated ; and greeted.

"Hey Abhi, when did you arrive? You should have told me ,I would have came to pick you up."

As they parted.

"Where is he ? He is part of reason of all the miseries in my life."
Abhi shot back through gritted teeth.

Veer flinched a bit, but he understood his state. He has faced a lot of people like him during the course of his service. He put his hand on his shoulder and urged him to sit.
After it, he offered him a glass of water and said.

"Calm down, we have caught him. You were right, he worked for semonika. The case is filed and he will be appearing in Court soon."

"And the other one I told you about?"
Abhi enquired, putting the empty glass on the table.

Veer knew he has to be careful with him. He gently put it.
"Yeah , we did find an evidence against her."

And put forward their finding.

"He didn't witness anybody. The place didn't have any cameras so we can't see the face. But we do know as per your doubt, that there was another woman before we reached there, do you recognise it ?"

STEP - 1  REVENGE TANU  ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora