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This part has pragya and king.
I will try to incorporate them in later chapters.
But the sketch i have of this story , they don't play any role in it.
Let's see where & How the story goes.
Abhi is collapsed on the floor of his balcony, clutching the photo of Kiara and Pragya;  sobbing like a scared child. Tears stream down his face as he stares blankly at a dark moon in the sky.

"She didn't even told where they were going " he weeped hugging the photo.


Abhi reached at King's place in a real panic and yelled.

"What happened ? Where is Kiara ?"

"Kiara is at school and she is fine." Said Pragya in a calm tone.

Now relaxed , he observed both King and Pragya, and inquired.
"But you said on phone,it's urgent and it's about Kiara.. What is it ?"

King gestured him to sit and informed.
"We need to talk about her future,"

Abhi gazed at him confused and then turn towards his wife for answers.

"Can you give us sometime alone ,it's a very delicate matter for all of us?"
Pragya asked king.

"She may not be my daughter but she is my princess, don't forget that either of you."
He warned and left them.
Deep down, Abhi knew this moment will come but he still wasn't ready.

"You do realize we can never tell Kiara about who you are to her. It will raise way too many questions, answers to whom will break her beyond repair. Besides she loves her Dada like crazy,she can't stay without him,"
Stated Pragya almost in one breath ,worry evident in her tone.

An astounded Abhi just nodded ,his wife was asking him the IMPOSSIBLE. What pains him the most was she was right.
Also that's what he deserved for the sin he committed. Despite his heart got crushed in million pieces and his soul got ripped apart ; he accepted his punishment.
   "You are right,we can't hurt our angel. I can live with being her fake papa only"
He said with a dry smile and glistenend eyes.

STEP - 1  REVENGE TANU  ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora