Chapter 7 - He Shops In VS

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"Steven, what are you doing?" Jacob says coming towards us with his two other friends.

"Nothing, why?"

"Since when was talking nothing? And where did you even go? We were looking for you everywhere!"

"Well I wasn't going to go into Victoria's Secret with you guys."

For the second time that day I cracked up falling to the floor. I swear there were tears running down my face from all the laughing.

"What's going on?"

I look up from my position to see Blake and Ali staring at me. I quickly stop laughing and get up facing Blake.

"Nothing, I just found out that this guy I know likes to shop in Victoria's Secret," I say keeping a completely straight face even though I'd rather be laughing my guts out.

"I wasn't sho-" I cut Jacob off by glaring at him and he goes quiet.

"Anyways, this is Jacob, Steven and his two other friends..."

"Nick and Cameron," Jacob says finishing off my sentence.

"Hi, I'm Blake," he says introducing himself to the others. They all murmur hi's as it gets a little awkward.

"Well we better get going," I say grabbing Blake and Ali's arm ready to drag them away but before I can, Jacob puts his hand on my shoulder spinning me around.

"Wait, we're coming with."

"What? No way."

"Why not?"

"Why would you wanna come?"

"Why would I not wanna come?"

"You don't even know where we're going."


"How many days have I been dating him?" I ask turning towards Ali.

"One," she replies.

"This is TORTURE!" I groan sinking to the ground.

"Wait, you're dating him?" Blake says confusedly.

"Well not rea-" I start before I'm rudely cut off.

"Yeah, we're dating," Jacob says pulling me up from the ground.

"I thought you were single," Blake looks at me hurt evident in his voice.

"Well I was at the game but now..." I don't finish my sentence because I see Jacob's smug look.

"I better get going, umm, I also don't think I'll be able to make it on Friday," Blake says before quickly turning around and walking off.

"You know, I'm free on Friday," Jacob says wiggling his eyebrows.

"Go screw yourself."


"Mom! I'm home," I say before quickly walking up the stairs to my room. It was Friday and I had just gotten home from school, in about two hours I'd be leaving to go to the fair.

Unfortunately, I never found another date, whenever I was about to ask somebody, Jacob would always be there and the guy would scurry off. It sucked but whatever. Hunter found a date though, he was bringing this girl I didn't know but I'd seen her around school enough times to know that she wasn't somebody you'd want as a friend.

Grabbing my outfit from my wardrobe I quickly put it on before applying some foundation to my face. I rarely ever wore makeup but when I did, it was only ever foundation. I curled the bottom half of my hair loosely before finding some bracelets and a necklace to go with my outfit.

I checked the time and it was 5pm meaning I had another hour before I had to leave. I put all my necessities into a small shoulder bag and while I waited for time to pass, did my homework. Yes I know, I'm a loser, I do my homework lalalalala but if you think that I'm gonna go to school and waste 7 hours of my life 5 times a week and learn nothing...

You're f-ing wrong.

An hour later, I was quickly grabbing my jacket and my shoulder bag, pulling on my boots and heading for the car where mum would be taking me to the fair.

As I got inside, I shoved my hands into the pockets of my jacket and felt something. I pulled it out and realised it was the note that Regina had given me 4 days ago.

Party at Josh's on Saturday, starts at 9:30pm.

If you're wondering, Josh was Regina's boyfriend, and to be honest, I didn't really like him that much, he was a jerk to Regina and was always bossing her around. She deserved way better than that poor excuse of a human.


"Text me 10 minutes before you want me to pick you up!" Mum called as she backed out of the parking lot.

"Okay, I'll see you later!" I replied before turning around and walking towards the ticket booth where Hunter, his date, Ali and Alex were already standing.

"You're late," Hunter's date said glaring at me.

"By like a few minutes."

"6 minutes isn't a fe-"

"Guys, shut up, the others will be arriving soon," Ali says rolling her eyes.

"Wait there are more? I thought it'd just be us five," I say looking to all of them for an explanation.

"Jacob and Steven are also coming," Alex replies avoiding eye contact.



I'm really disappointed in this chapter and I don't blame you if you are too.

I'd also like to know, should i put this story under teen fiction and humour or teen fiction and romance?

Please notify me if there are any typos and comment, vote, follow or share this story with your friends :)

I was also sort of disappointed with the amount of comments and votes for the last chapter, so 32 votes, 17 comments ( including my own ) and 40 reads until a new chapter !

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