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Any milk fic comments are gonna be deleted :)
They aren't funny y'all stop

Bren: dude

Bren: I just stood up right

Bren: and I heard at least twenty bones crack

Bren: nursing home here I come

Bren: 20? Nah fam I'm 90

Ryebread: Drink More Milk

Bren: ew no

Bren: milk is fucking nasty

Ryebread: I don't know it's not that bad

Bren: no it's disgusting

Bren: I'll only ever drink milk if its like left from cereal or something

Bren: maybe after eating an entire pack of Oreos

Bren: never gonna catch me drinking milk on its own tho that shit is nasty

Ryebread: ok but what about

Ryebread: now hear me out here

Ryebread: chocolate milk

Bren: d e l i c i o u s

Bren: sign 👏 me 👏 the 👏 fuck  👏 up 👏

Bren: catch me in the kitchen at three a.m chugging a gallon of fucking TruMoo

Ryebread: TruMoo isn't even that good tho

Ryebread: dairymens is where it's at

Bren: wow how basic can you be

Ryebread: shut up its good

Bren: you're wrong but ://

Will.i.ams: hey guys

Will.i.ams: what about strawberry milk

Ryebread: d i s g u s t i n g

Bren: a spawn of satan

Ryebread: no it's literally the devil himself

Will.i.ams: damn ok

Ryebread: I've had strawberry milk once in my entire life and it was because of that show Charlie and Lola and that was the day I learned to never trust anything or anyone

Bren: all that from a kids show

Bren: wow

Ryebread: that little shit Lola made it seem like it would be the best thing in the world

Ryebread: so of course I made my mom go buy some Hershey's strawberry syrup and I made myself some strawberry milk

Ryebread: and it was the worst thing I've ever had and ever will have

Bren: see you don't know that tho

Ryebread: no trust me

Ryebread: it's been 16 years and I still haven't come across something I hate as much

Will.i.ams: you remember exactly what it tastes like ??

Ryebread: yes

Ryebread: it was a very traumatic experience hayley

Will.i.ams: I'm sure it was sweaty

Ryebread: it was fuck off

Will.i.ams: no :)

Ryebread: 🖕

Y a l l
My band directors wife showed up to the game last night
And she brought their kid
And he is literally the cutest child holy shit
He held him and turned him around for us and I just about died my god
That was also the first time I've seen my band director genuinely smiling wow
After our reaction to his kid tho he's never gonna show us his dog even tho like,,, I really wanna fucking see the dog

The bus ride back was hella annoying tho
Everyone was shouting cheers, singing stand tunes, and singing bangers from the 2000s
Which I don't think I would've minded as much if, one, we had one the game, then I would've understood why they were all actually happy
And two, if it wasn't fucking 10:30 at night like that's too late for that shut the hell up
The BD got tired of it eventually and came back there to tell them to play the quiet game

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