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Around an hour passes of Ryan and Brendon doing nothing but cuddling on the couch and Grace quietly fangirling in the kitchen while she makes something for dinner, and then they go from sitting on the couch lazily to sitting at the kitchen table lazily. Brendon honestly couldn't be happier that none of his siblings were home. He knows that if they were they'd be bombarding Ryan with questions about being so far away from home and whatnot. That's not to say that Grace won't do the same, but it'll be a lot less hectic with just her.

"So, Ryan," Grace starts. Here it comes, Brendon thinks. "How've you been liking Pennsylvania?"

"Honestly, going off of the little bit I've seen, boring as fuck."

"Oh, please. There has to be at least one thing interesting."

"Well, yeah. I'm sure there is. Alas, I'm but a lowly college student, too broke to do anything even remotely fun."

Brendon scoffs. "Alright, Shakespeare."

"Oh, so now saying a word with three or more syllables makes me, like, a genius or something?"

"Pretty much, yeah."

Ryan laughs. Not like, a full laugh. Just that weird thing you do when you see something kind of funny on Tumblr where you just kinda blow more air out of your nose than usual. "Whatever, moron."

Brendon gives him a sarcastic smile.

"Well," Grace begins, trying to get them to stop lovingly insulting each other before it goes on for another half hour. "How's college, then? What are you majoring in? How's your roommates?" Brendon rolls his eyes at the amount of questions.

"Uh, its going pretty good, I guess. I was right when I said that it was really prestigious. I'm easily one of the poorest kids there. Majored in English and everything relating to that, which is lowkey hell, but we live with our poor choices here. And my roommate is fucking amazing. We don't live in the dorms, though, cause it was actually so much cheaper to just rent a shitty apartment close to campus. But yeah, she's great. Love her."

"Excuse me?" Brendon says, quirking an eyebrow. "What was that last part?"

"Oh, fuck off. You know what I mean."

"No, Ryan, I really don't. Please elaborate."

Ryan rolls his eyes, holding back the urge to flip him off.

"So, what brings you back here, then?" Grace asks, trying to keep the conversation relatively peaceful. Brendon gives her a look warning her to not go there, but she's oblivious to it.

"Uh, my dad. He hasn't exactly been doing too well lately."

"Oh, sweetie, I'm sorry. Is he going to be alright?"

"Mom," Brendon warns again, definitely more serious about than before. "I think that's enough interrogation for one night, don't you?"

"Bren, it's fine," Ryan says. "There's no point in acting like I can avoid talking about it forever. But, to answer the question, not exactly. I guess it really depends on your definition of alright. If you consider dying to be better than suffering, which, in my opinion it lowkey is, then yes. He's never been better."

"Oh goodness. Darling, I am so sorry. I didn't know, I wouldn't have brought it up."

"It's fine, really. Like I said, there's really not point in avoiding the subject."

The three are silent for a moment. Definitely an awkward silence, and they all hate it. To everyone's relief, Brendon speaks up again. "So, on a somewhat more positive note, when do you have to go back, Ry?"

"How on Earth is that more positive?"

"Christ, Ryan, I don't know. I'm just trying to make conversation, since neither of you know how to use your vocal chords, apparently."

"Damn, okay. No need to be bitchy. But anyways, what day is it?"

"Thursday? I think, not sure at all."

"Oh, fuck. I have to go back to hell in two days."

"Hell? Pennsylvania can't be that bad."

"No, it's not. But that's where school is. And school, my friend, was truly created by Satan himself."

"You make a good point, Ross."

"Of course I do. I'm a genius."

"Yeah, sure, we'll go with that."

"Okay, fuck off."

Fun fact
When I wrote "created by Satan himself"
The chapter was at 666 words

We were watching a video in science yesterday and they were trying to like create a star or some shit using a shit ton of lasers
And right as the lasers went off my teacher fell out of his chair
He says it was because he leaned forward too far while trying to put his wallet in his pocket
But I really want to believe that its because he was falling asleep and the laser scared him

Throwback to that one time when I was five and I "ran away" because my mom told me to go inside and clean my room but I didn't want to
I was running away from responsibility even when I was 5
I made my parents waste a bunch of money on a gate tho oops

But like it was barely running away
My mom and brother were both outside with me so they were able to chase me right away
I think I got like a block away until someone's dog scared me and I fell

Ok so there's a few kids at my school who have new backpacks like literally every week and like
They aren't cheap
How the hell are you affording a new one each week

Y'all I forgot how much I hate being in my house when its above 70 outside
Like we don't have air conditioning anywhere but upstairs, and that's only cause me and my brother have those window things so we don't sweat to death
So my house has literally been like a fucking oven this past week

Wow I am literally never happy when it comes to weather

Its also been humid as fuck out
So my hair is so frizzy and like I actually hate it

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