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Two days came and went faster than they anticipated. They didn't really do much in those two days. Ryan spent a lot of it catching up on the sleep he missed out on, while Brendon just creepily watched his boyfriend asleep, admiring his beauty.

Now it's 5 a.m, way too early for any sane person to be awake, in Ryan's words, and they're sitting in an airport. Ryan is struggling to stay awake, partly because he still hasn't gotten used to the different time zone, but mainly because he's been awake since three.

"Ryan, can you please explain to me how you survive in school?" Brendon asks, pushing the older off of his shoulder, hoping that it'll help in keeping him awake at least a little.

"I don't," Ryan mumbles. He tries to use the back of the chair as a pillow instead, but fails horribly because either the chairs are way too short, or he's just too tall.

They sit in a not-so-silent silence, with all of the people around them being loud as fuck, until Ryan's flight is called.

"Bren, I don't wanna go," he whines.

"Why not, darling?" Brendon asks, getting up and pulling Ryan with him.

"I don't wanna leave you again."

"You have to, darling. School is almost over, you'll be fine. In, like, two months you'll be out of hell and you can come back for the summer."

"Two months is a really long time, Bren."

"It's not that bad, Ry. Plus, its not like you can't see me at all. Skype exists for a reason, babe."

"Yeah, but time zones exist, too. When I'm home and awake, you'll either still be asleep or still in class."

"Weekends, Ryan."

"But that's only two days. And I have a job, so its more like one day."

"That's better than nothing. Now go, you're gonna miss your flight."

"What if I want to miss it?"

"I won't let you. Go, Ryan."

"Can I have a hug before I go?"

Brendon fakes a sigh. "I suppose."

Ryan hugs him tightly, not wanting to let go and leave him again. He's kind of hoping that if he draws this hug out long enough, Brendon will forget about the fact that Ryan has to leave and just take him back to one of their houses. Hoping that it'll stop him from having to go back to school and the state where he hates literally everyone except for his roommate.

Alas, Brendon lives up to what he said, and refuses to let Ryan stay.

"Babe, you gotta go," he says, pushing Ryan away only slightly. He kisses him gently. "Love you."

"Love you too," Ryan says. And with that, he leaves, going back to his own personal hell.

Me after finishing this chapter: should I start the next chapter or do my homework
Me: *falls asleep*

So my brothers prom was last night and I literally fucking hate him and his girlfriend

And it was their idea too, so that makes it even worseLike I thought my mom told them to do it but no

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And it was their idea too, so that makes it even worse
Like I thought my mom told them to do it but no

I get out of school at 1 tomorrow and I'm so fucking happy cause I'm so fucking done with school at this point like honestly there's 16 days left I don't care anymore

Y'all I got this cut on my leg and its literally so annoying
Like it's in a really awkward spot so that no matter how I sit it will always be touching something
And it hurts like fucking hell

*deep breath*

*deep breath*Boi

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I don't even know how to put how fed up with this boy I am into wordsWhy is my life like literally a shitty fanficition thoLike what did I do to deserve thisThis never would've happened if I didn't come to high school I should've stayed in 8th gra...

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I don't even know how to put how fed up with this boy I am into words
Why is my life like literally a shitty fanficition tho
Like what did I do to deserve this
This never would've happened if I didn't come to high school
I should've stayed in 8th grade for the rest of my life
I am a freshman
I shouldn't have boy drama

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