Start from the beginning












"... Dummy."

When we got to the movies, we grabbed a bowl of popcorn―since we were still hungry―and sat down in the back. The staff seemed to be playing a bunch of other horror film trailers just to get the audience into the mood before starting the actual movie.

Needless to say, Deathbringer's grip on my arm tightened at every jump scare, except there was this one scene that made my own spine tingle as if it would leap out of my body any minute.

At that part I screamed like a screech owl so loud the entire audience screamed because I screamed. Then the people around me shot what I thought were death glares, but they looked more paranoid then angry.

Except for Deathbringer. He was clutching his stomach exploding with laughter, as he slapped a palm against his knee. A warm feeling ran over my cheeks and I made a mental note to get him back for that one later.

Oh yeah, and there was popcorn scattered all over us too because I may have knocked it when I screamed. Whoops.

The next day at school, I ducked behind a flower plant. It was part of my daily routine; I would secretly spy on Darkstalker for almost the rest of the school to try and get evidence that he was the killer, then be disappointed when nothing interesting happened.

I tiptoed after him as he walked closer to his locker. I took one step, then another step ...

"What are you doing?"

WHOA. Now that was real quick how did he see me quick Glory say something!

"I'm just seeing my science teacher for info on an exam," I lied. "I was sick, so I missed out on class."

"I thought the science teacher's room was on the second floor?" said Darkstalker. He took a step closer to me.

"I'm in AP."

"I am too, but I don't have her."

"There are two teachers for that."

"Oh," He ran a finger through his hair. "So apparently I missed the fact that this school had two AP science teachers when I closely studied this school's info beforehand, am I right?"

"Well, she just moved in last week."

"Okay," Darkstalker put his backpack in his locker, grabbing his stuff. "Well, talk to you later?"

"Sure. Bye!"

"... Bye."

Phew, that was close, I thought. But he definitely saw through that; he's not stupid at all. Now, I need to develop a better strategy next time. What should I do?

- Winter's POV -

"Black suits," Hailstorm mumbled, reading the list our parents had written us. "Plain ties, black dress, stockings, low-heeled flats, white blouse ... holy crap, Icicle, your girl stuff is taking over this whole paper."

"Shut up," grouched Icicle in return. "Let's just get everything and leave. Maybe with a cup of coffee as well if we have leftover money."

She was in a bad mood since she was on Facebook the entire night yesterday and our parents made us get up early to shop for wedding clothes; Uncle whatever-his-name-is would be getting married in two months―which seemed like a really long period of time, but grownups are fussy creatures.

"Anyway," said Hailstorm, changing the subject. "You studying up for that history test, Winter?" He was two years older and I remember that when I was a tiny eighth grader, I'd hear him constantly complain about Mr. Webs' legendary history tests.

"Unfortunately, yes," I said. "Now I feel your pain, and I reeaaally want to shove a snowball up Mr. Webs' nose right now."

"Earbuds are better than headphones," said Icicle randomly.

"Agreed," said I.

"Disagreed," said Hailstorm. "Headphones are more comfy."

"Yes, but earbuds are more convenient; you can just put one of them in your ear and still listen to music."

"Say, speaking of music, what have you all been listening to lately?" I asked.

"Well," Icicle replied, "I can't say for myself since I don't listen to music quite often, but for some reason Bandit is in love with all sorts of Broadway stuff."

We continued to walk a couple more aisles down until we reached the store with Icicle's stuff. While she headed into a changing room I said, "Is there a restroom nearby?"

"Yeah," said Hailstorm. He pointed a finger toward the escalator. "Head down to the first floor, then make a left. Head a couple stores down the aisle, then you'll see the hallway split into three paths. Take the right one, then the hallway will split into two. Take the right one again. After that, there's a McDonald's to your left. Go in that direction, and you'll see the bathroom next to Starbucks."

"Wha ...?"

Hailstorm sighed. "Here, I'll show you."


"But," he said. "You have to give me half the mini cupcakes you baked at Moon's house."

"Why?" I asked.

"Do it, or else I won't show you."

"Fine, then," I snapped. "I'll be fine on my own."

I went down the escalator just as he told me too, then made a left. Suddenly a banana peel flew into my face. I slowly picked it off and whipped around to kill my new victim―er, interrogate the person and find out what really happened.

The victim appeared to be a blonde girl about my age. She had a smirk on her face as she leaned across the aisle. Something about her seemed familiar, but I couldn't quick place it.

"Come at me," she taunted before turning on her heels and running down the hall.

I took after her like a bullet train. She ran into a clothing store. I followed suit. She scurried in a zigzag pattern doing circles around the place, hoping to lose me. It didn't work. Finally, when I was about to collapse from all the running, the girl locked herself in the women's changing room.

Idiot, I thought. Now, what was I doing? I sort of need to use the restroom ...


Luckily I got back to the place where Hailstorm was still waiting and said―with a sigh, "Okay, you can show me."

He led me down the escalator again and we walked through a bunch of unfamiliar hallways that all looked the same. (Either that, or I was just terrible with directions.) We seemed to have been walking for ten minutes before I grumbled, "Are we there yet? I really need to go."

"One more minute."

Five more minutes passed.

"Are we there yet?"

"Keep going ..."

It was two minutes later when I finally lost it. "HAILSTORM TELL ME WHERE THE RESTROOM IS OR SO HELP ME!"

"Whoa there, calm down." He pointed. "Right over-"


I bolted in as quickly as I could. I could hear someone screaming but that wasn't my problem. I slammed a stall door behind me and did my business, then walked out before screaming myself.

I ran out and yelled at the top of my lungs,


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