Brothers Best Friend

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Ever since Y/N was a little girl, her older brother, Grant, had this friend who was always over at their house. He practically lived there on the weekends. His name was Dean. Dean had these apple green eyes. They were dangerous. Y/N always got caught staring at them. They were breathtaking. 

Anyways, when Y/N first met him, she was really shy. She would always run to her mom and hide behind her leg. Dean would just laugh because he thought it was really cute.

Today, Y/N is 24 years old. Her and her brother lost both of their parents. Dean has been really close with her to help her cope along side her brother. They are all like a little happy family of your own.

Ever since, Y/N has been in love with him. But, she knows he doesn't feel the same, and he never will. So, she started talking to a guy she used to go to school with and started dating after about a month of talking. 

Y/N's P.O.V.

I wake up. I look over to my alarm clock. 4 in the damn morning. I look over to my boyfriend, Chance, who's still asleep. We got into a fight last night. We've been fighting every night. About the dumbest things ever. Since these fights started, I haven't slept. I sigh and slowly get out of bed. I put on an over sized t-shirt and some basketball shorts and start making my way downstairs. 

I get to the kitchen and turn on the light. I start to make coffee for Grant, Dean, and Chance. Every morning when they wake up, that's the first place they each go. They grab a coffee cup and pour coffee into it before grabbing something for breakfast.

"When I have coffee is when I'm officially awake." Dean tells me every morning. I smile at the thought. He made the cutest jokes in the morning because he's still half asleep until he drinks at least three cups of coffee. 

"What are you doing up so early?" His tone was harsh. But I knew that tone. "And what the hell are you smiling about?" Chance had woken up and come to the kitchen. 

My smile drops instantly. I stutter, "N-nothing..." I don't make eye contact with him.

"Bullshit. What the hell are you smiling about Y/N?" He was walking closer to me. His tone was growing even more harsh the closer he got to me.

I shake my head. "Nothing, Chance..." I started to tear up, this wouldn't be the first time he's hit me. And I could feel it coming.

He gets a little bit less than an arms length away. He raises his hand.

Next thing I know, I feel a stinging on my face and I'm lying on the floor. I put my hand over it. I can't cry as much as I want to from the feel of the tears building up. If I cry, he'll hit me multiple times.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" That voice sounds familiar. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU HITTING HER FOR?!" I look up at where the voice is coming from. It's Dean. 

"Because I can. This isn't your business." Chance turns to him then turns back to me.

Dean walks to Chance and grabs him by the collar of his shirt. He's into his face. "The FUCK if it ain't my business. You are hitting a girl. My best friend's little sister to be exact. That don't fly with me. I don't care who you are. Or where you come from. You don't EVER hit a girl." His voice is really deep and intimidating.

Chance just smirks at him. "She's just a little bitch. She's pathetic. She's not much to stick up for." 

Dean gets really mad. "No," I see his hand ball up into a fist and connect with Chance's nose. I see Chance fall to the floor. "You are." Dean looks down at him and smirks because he's proud that he took care of a piece of shit like him. He frantically looks over to me and bends down to help me stand. "Are you okay...?" He checks me over to make sure I don't have any other injuries.

I nod. "I'm fine. It's nothing that hasn't happened before..." I rub my cheek a little.

Dean's eyes widen, "Why didn't you same something to Grant or I? We would have made him long gone a long time ago."

I shrug, "I didn't think it was that big of a deal. It wasn't nothing I couldn't handle."

Dean just pulls me into a hug, "I'm glad you're okay..."

I gather up confidence out of nowhere. I understand why he did it. But, I can't figure out how he knew. So I asked him, "Dean, how did you know... that I was in here...? And that we were about to get into another fight...?"

He smiles, "I hear the fights every night. I know you don't sleep when something makes you feel bad, so I thought I'd come check on you because you always make us coffee at this time when there's a fight before bed. And I was gonna talk to you..."

I look into his eyes. "Talk to me about what...?"

Dean looks into my eyes and keeps holding onto me, "I love you." 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2020 ⏰

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