authors note again sorry

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I need to rant. So last night I went to my first EVER concert. I went to see Brantley Gilbert. If you don't know about him he is a country artist. He is my favorite country artist at that. But anyways I went to see him last night in concert and he was amazing. I loved every minute of it. He also reminded me why I wanna be a singer/songwriter. (Don't judge me I believe I can do it. So if you wanna try telling me that I can't do it I'm not gonna listen because it's my dream and I believe I can do it if I work hard enough and not listen to what haters think.) He helped me remember that I wanna be a recording artist because I love music and I love making people happy and making a difference in others lives. And music has done that for me. Brantley Gilbert, one direction, and all the band mates of one direction have helped me through so much. Last night there were people, including me, who were beyond happy and excited to see him. I wanna be able to do that for people in the world. Yes I know it's going to take A LOT of time practicing and working and a lot of things but I believe that I can do it. I also have stage fright. But I believe that if I go on stage more and perform in front of bigger audiences each time, I believe that I can get rid of it someday.

On a side note. If you guys want me to post one of my songs( it's just the lyrics at the moment) and use it for an imagine, let me know because I feel like one of them might actually work for Dean.

But yea. That's all. I am sorry for these authors notes but I needed to rant and I wanna post something on Twitter to Brantley but I wanted to say everything I had to say and Twitter has a character count. So now, I have to shorten this up 😂.
Thanks for listening to my dumb self
Love yall💙

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