Woods girl ~dean

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"Got everything?" I asked Sam. We found a vampire case in Michigan. So we had to hike in the woods because that's where the nest was.

Oh how I hated it.

"Ya, ready?" He asks.

I nod.

We walk a few miles and hear something in the bushes.
I grab my machete and Sam grabs his.
We waited a few minutes and then something jumped out at us.

Two vampires jumped out from the bushes. One jumped on me and the other on Sam.

They threw our machetes out of our reach so we were defenseless weapon wise. They had us pinned down to the ground to where we couldn't move our arms and legs.

Then the one on me suddenly got it's head chopped off.

I grabbed my machete and decapitated the one on Sam.

I looked away from Sam to this mysterious girl. She had light brown hair with blonde highlights. Her hair went about an inch past her shoulders. She had bright green beautiful eyes. She had tan clear skin and she was about 5'7". He was dressed tomboyish but she had straightened hair. She smirked at me and said " you're welcome."

Your POV
I smirked and said "You're welcome." I just saved two handsome strangers. They weren't completely strangers because I know their names but I have never met them. Just their dad. one man wasreally tall and one was like 6 inches taller than me and really cute.

I helped the two up off the ground and started to walk towards my car.

" hey. Hey wait up."

"What?" I ask as I keep walking. I did kinda think the short one was cute but I just met him and don't even know a thing about him other than his looks.

"What's your name?" The short one asks.

"Y/f/n y/l/n (your first and last name)"

"As in THE Y/f/n y/l/n. One of the best hunters in the world?" The tall one asks.

I nod.

"Well I'm sa-"

I cut him off "yeah I know you're Sam and dean winchester. John winchesters boys. I know you because you're dad worked with my mom before she died. Now if you'll excuse me. I have a job to get back to." I snap while opening my car door.

"Wait!" Dean hollers.

I turn around. "What do you want now?"

"You're number. I only want to go get some drinks with you sometime if that's okay with you."

"Is this you're way of asking me out winchester?"


That was 2 months ago. Now we are dating and share a room in the bunker.

One night you went to bed because you were so tired and just wanted to rest.

So you went to sleep and dean was beside you.

About 1 hour later you wake up screaming.

Dean shoots up out of bed and sees you sitting up and sweating like a pig. And now tears were falling down your face like a waterfall.

"Y/n? Baby what's wrong?"

"I...I...it ca...ca...came...after me." You choked out.

"What came after you?" He asked taking you into his arms protecting you.

"Purgatory creatures!"

"Hey...hey... Shhhhhh. It's okay. I'm right here baby girl. I'm not going anywhere. I'm gonna protect you with my life okay? I promise. I...i... I love you y/n. Now come on. Let's lay down and fight these nightmares. together." You layed down with your head on his chest.

"I love you too dean." You said before drifting off to sleep

Hi guys I tried to make it long but I didn't know what else to do for this one. Hope you like it!!

Dean winchester and Jensen Ackles ImaginesWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu