Dean 2~djinn dream

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You and dean were dating. you, dean, and Sam were hunting a djinn. You had found its hideout. Once you got there, you and the boys split up. Sam went alone while dean and you went together. after a few minutes, You and dean got attacked by a djinn.

Inside the dream:

You woke up on your back, laying next to a man. you laid still because the man was moving. he rolled over to face you. he went to put his arm around you then his hand went to your stomach and you looked down at it. he jolted when he felt the big bump.
"Dean what's is happening.
"What's the last thing you remember?"
"I remember you me and Sam walking into the warehouse where the djinn was and then we got attacked and...oh crap."
"I know where we are. we are in dreamland. the djinn attacked you and I but I have one question. why am I in your dream?" You look at him.
Dean smiles, "Because," he starts to blush a bit out of embarrassment, "my dream is to try and have a normal life with you and..." he looks down at his hands and fiddles a little before looking back up at you, "...and raise a family together."
"You know what's funny?  That's exactly what I want too, baby." You lean over to close the gap between your bodies and kiss him. "I love you dean."
"I love you too baby." Dean kisses you again, this time a little deeper. He pulls back and smiles. "Just wait till we get out of here." He smiles, kisses your forehead, and rolls out of bed. "I'm going to find the kitchen and make us some coffee so we can figure out how to get the hell outta here." You nod and start to make your way out of the bed to follow him.
 You started to head to follow dean in finding the kitchen. While you were walking down the hall, you found wedding pictures. they were of you and dean. You think to yourself, soon that will be real.
You finally found the kitchen and Dean making the coffee for the both of you. You smile and sit down. "Oh crap, baby its cold can you go grab me a blanket from the bed?" You give him big puppy dog eyes. He chuckles, "sure baby." He goes.
You ran down the hall to find dean looking at pictures of you guys at your wedding next to pictures of your brother who is supposed to be dead alongside his mom who is also supposed to be dead.
"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you we are married I just found out though so..."
"Oh no it's not that. I'm glad we are married though, but the reason I was hollering for you is because look at this." he handed you a piece of paper. It said "y/n winchester appointment time 9:00 a.m."
"9:00 a.m. that's in 30 minutes. what town are we in?" You ask as you start to walk to your closet to get dressed.
"Lawrence, why?"
"Cause i know where the hospital is and were gonna go to this appointment then we need to figure out how to get the heck out of here"
---------time skip-----------
You went to the appointment and you were due any day now, in the dream of course.
You and dean were driving around town when you got a call from Jess, Sam's girlfriend.
"Hey y/n where are you and dean at? please tell me you guys didn't forget about mary's birthday today."
You start to nervously laugh,"No, no, Jess we're on our way right now. just hold on a sec."
"Dean go to your old house."
"Just do it."
"Okay Jess we'll be there in a few."
And with that you hung up the phone.
------at dream Mary's house-------
You started walking up to Mary's door and you felt a strong kick in your belly.
"Baby you okay?"
"Ya, ya I'm fine." you smile, "just knock on the door."
Dean knocked on the door only for it to open and reveal mary.
"Hi dean. hi y/n."
"Hi mary." You choke out while dean still stands there speechless.
"Happy birthday."
"Thank you" she says back to you and gives you a hug.
"Please come in."
You again feel another strong kick but this time the kick is stronger than the last.
"OOOOOWWWWW!!!!" You scream as you were on your way to hug jess.
you collapse on the floor onto your knees
"Quick we have to get her to the hospital!" Mary shouts. dean runs over to you to help you get up and into the car.

------at the hospital------
You wake up to see everyone standing outside your hospital room, except dean. dean was sitting at your bed side holding your hand.
"Wha-what happened? where am I?"
Dean woke up to the sound of you're voice.
"Hey baby. you're in the hospital because you collapsed. the doctor said you had contractions."
"Dean, I've decided something very important and I need to tell you."
"What is it?"
"I love you and I want to have this baby before we leave."
"Okay is that it?"
"No actually, I found out how to get out of here this is just a place where nothing is real but the djinn is making us think it granted our wishes, but is just feeding off of us. everything is in our minds. and you know how when you're about to die in a dream, you wake up. well if we kill our selves then we will wake up. So after I push out this baby, you take me home and we die together."
"Okay. y/n?"
"Ya babe."
"I love you. I hope we have a family of our own someday."
"Me too baby, I love you too."

1 hour later

For the past hour, you have been having contractions and are 10 cm dilated so they are having you push.
"Okay baby are you ready?" Dean asks you as the doctors get ready.
You nod "I love you dean."
"I love you too y/n."

You had the baby and you and dean were running out of time.
"Ok dean when the doctors take the baby outside of the room again I need you're knife so I can stab myself then you can stab you. hopefully Sammy is sitting there waiting for us." you start to cry.
"I hope this dream happens real soon y/n."
"Me too dean. me"
"See ya on the other side."
He then kisses you on the forehead and the doctors take your baby out of the room.
"Okay let's do this. see ya on the other side baby."
"I love you dean."
"I love you too y/n."
You then stab yourself and wake up next to dean. dean then wakes up next to you. both of you're guys hands were being tied and hung from the ceiling. you then hear Sam calling you're guys names. you then manage to get out "in here"
Sam heard you and killed the djinn and rescued you guys.

--------Time skip to the bunker---------

You and dean were starving so he cooked you guys some burgers. as you ate them, you started talking about the dream.
"So did you really mean it when you said you hope everything comes true real soon?"
"Yes y/n I did. I love you so much and I never want to let you go. you are the best thing that has ever made me happy like this in....well.....ever. I love you baby."
"I love you too dean." he gave you a kiss and you thought to yourself "yep I found the perfect man." while he thought "yep she the one."

Dean winchester and Jensen Ackles ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now