Part 3

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Part 3

He never saw Khushi this much eager to eat. He patted her back when she choked while eating food.

“Careful damn it... Why are you eating so fast? Can’t you be relaxed? Crazy girl... eat slowly”

“What to do Arnav... It’s long time I had Indian food. In fact it’s long time I had food full of my tummy. I can’t lose this chance Arnav. Don’t disturb me” she smiled sadly making him gulp.

“Shh... it’s ok... now onwards you will have whatever you want to. I will make sure of that. Now relax and eat.” Saying this he touched her head affectionately.

Suddenly she shouted “Jilebies??? Oh my god Arnav... thank you so much Arnav... Thanks for these Jilebies...” she hugged him with so much excitement. He returned the hug while patting her back. He smiled seeing her crazy craving for Jilebies.

They sat in living room after finishing their lunch. Arnav kept pillows beside and behind her to make her comfortable and kept her swelled foots on the tea table. He massaged her feet for some time.

“Um... Khushi... Arnav asked me to take an appointment with doctor, which I did. They told me to bring you along with previous reports like scanning and blood test. Do we have any?” asked Aman.

She nodded her head in negative looking on the floor.

“It’s ok... no problem we can take them now. Evening four is your appointment. Get ready ok?”

She nodded her head

“But Pari... How you ended up in homeless shelter? I mean... Shyam...”

“Shyam is dead” tears pooled out from her eyes.

“What!!??” Arnav and Aman shocked

“Yes... he died in a car accident.” Arnav immediately held her tightly in his embrace. He knew how much she loved Shyam.

“Then why are you here? Why didn't you go back to India to your parents? Why didn't you call ASR at least?” asked Aman.

“Our parents are against to our marriage” she said in a calm tone.

“What? But Khushi they agreed that time right?” asked Arnav

“Yes, they agreed because you were there. But when we got married you were not there. And his parents never accepted me. So, we both got married in registrar office. He struggled so much for keeping me happy. He never gave me any pain as you thought. He was really a good person to me. He really pampered me a lot. We came here 8 months back, just one month before his death. He saved me from that accident giving up his life for me. I never expected this. I knew he loved me. But to this extent, I never expected Arnav. I was in a shock to digest the news. I was not even in a state to inform our parents. Officials informed his parents. They came here to collect his body for further rituals. They literally threw me from the house and threatened me saying if I again try to talk with them they will file a case against me. They said I’m the reason for their son’s death. They cursed me. They left me no chance to come to India. I didn't even have money for my food. I stayed in government organisation for some days. I was scared Arnav. I didn't know anything that time. I didn't even know how to start my life. That time I came to know that I’m pregnant. One day I fainted in the organisation and they examined me and told me that I’m carrying a life inside me. I’m confused that time thinking whether to keep this baby or not”

Both Arnav and Aman gasped. She continued “Then I asked some officials to show some work. I couldn't kill an innocent life just like that. Can I? She deserves to live her life. Doesn't she? So, I decided to work for her. Then I joined here to work. After one month I came to know that whatever the money I’m earning it’s not enough for my medicines, food and all. So I stopped using public transport. I stopped spending money for myself. I couldn't stay for long in organisation. I searched a place to hide myself at nights which I found in this homeless shelter. At starting I used to come early here and stand in the queue to get the bed. Because if I come late they won’t allow me as beds be filled. After some days, manager came to know that I’m pregnant. So she reserved one bed for me, so that I can come to shelter without hurry. I am saving all my money for my delivery. Nothing I have with me to give to my child.” She sadly smiled a little with tears drenching her cheeks and continued “Yesterday only I thought of you. I thought if you are with me all these wouldn’t have happened to me. I also mentioned you with my manager. I really missing you Arnav as much I’m missing Shyam. You two are the persons I have in this world. He was gone... I thought I lost you also” she burst in crying.

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