Part 4

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Part 4

“Mom... you did wrong mom... you spoiled everything” thought Arnav. He closed his eyes unable to see his friend’s eyes. ‘What if she hates me? What if she doubts my intention for bringing her here? What if... if... she leaves me?’ that thought itself took his life out.

It’s a big blow to Khushi. She never guessed this. Actually she never got any hint of this. She nodded her head in No with a great shock of her life

“I know betiya... it’s difficult for you to believe. But it’s the truth”

Khushi looked at Arnav and went to him “Arnav???” his name from her mouth is enough for him to know her questions, her doubts, her accusation mainly hurt. Unable to answer to her questions, he kept Sahana in Akash’s lap and went from there giving no ear to Sahana’s cries. Sahana started crying for sudden loss of Arnav’s warmth. They tried to console her. But everybody in the room knows what she needs most at that time. They all looked at Khushi who is in a deep thought. Mr. Raizada went to her and patted her head affectionately.

“Khushi betiya...”

“Uncle... Ye sab...”

“Yes dear... whatever mom said is true. But he never allowed us to say anything to you” said Anjali

“But Di... How all this? I mean from when? Is he mistaken his sympathy as love for me?”

“No way dear... my brother is not a fool, who can’t even differentiate the sympathy and love. He is deeply in love with you from the day he saw you for that first time in your college seven years back. That too before his best friend – Shyam introduced you to him as his love”

“I need to talk to him. I need to talk to him...” saying this Khushi rushed to Arnav’s room taking Sahana, who is still crying, from Akashi's hands.

She knocked the door for getting a blunt reply.

“Just go from here Khushi... I don't want to talk anything now. Just leave me alone”

“Fine... I’m leaving Sahana near at the door. Do whatever you want” she left Sahana at the door and hid behind the pillar. Her heart is thudding from the recent revelations.

Sahana looked around her to find either her mother or father. Seeing no one around her, she cried loudly calling for Arnav “Dada.... Dada...”

It’s very difficult for Arnav to avoid his angel’s daughter. He can’t. So, he rushed to open the door and took her in his embrace. She hung to his neck tightly as if she loosens her grip he will leave her and go. He hugged her tightly feeling her tiny body to his heart in his arms. He closed his eyes tightly. Tears left his eyes showing how vulnerable he is at that time. ‘I’m sorry dear. I’m sorry’ he whispered, unaware of Khushi’s stare at him. Khushi couldn't believe what she is seeing. She never observed Arnav’s bond with her daughter. She never knew Arnav this much attached to her daughter. She never knew her own daughter will cry for Arnav, leaving her behind, when she is scared.

He took Sahana inside his room, sat on the couch along with Sahana on his lap. He made her look at him and said “Look dear... I’m not dada. You shouldn’t call me like this. You call me Arnav. Say... Aaa....rnaaa...vvv.... say... Arnav...”


“No dear... not Dada... its Arnav... you shouldn’t call me that” he said with desperateness and vulnerability

“Why Arnav? Why shouldn’t she?” asked Khushi. She can see his body got stiffened.

“Khushi what are doing here? You need to take rest. Just go... please leave me with Sahana for some time.”

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