Chapter 1- Changes

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Being an only child you realize how much your parents care about you.

I had little to no family left. All I had was my grandma. I had never really gotten to know her since she lived in Malingar, Ireland. I live in Miami so the distance is pretty far.

I'm a foster child now so my only choice was to move 4173 miles to Ireland. I don't even know what language they speak there. God I hope it's English...

I got a call and they told me my flight was tomorrow afternoon at 1:30 to the airport in Malingar and there waiting for me would be my grandma. They said I could only pack a carry on, which wasn't a problem considering I have two pairs of shorts, four shirts, one dress, and two pairs of shoes.

We weren't a rich family by any means. We had enough to get by but not enough to splurge on new clothes every weekend like some girls I knew.

I finished packing and went to sleep.

Stole My Heart(fanfict about Niall Horan)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant