Chapter 25 Rebuilding Erebor

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The weeks went by and Thorin kept Haraldur with him at all times, even during council meetings. The little Dwarfling was getting bored. He wasn't used to being constantly cared for, even though he knew that Thorin meant well, he was starting to get frustrated. So one night during dinner, Haraldur confronted Thorin.

"Adad, there must be something I can do besides be in council with you all day? Can I not go play?"

"Not right now, My Son, when more Dwarflings arrive from Ered Luin then you will be allowed to go play with them and even continue with your training. For now, there is too much reconstruction going on, you will get hurt or lost."

Suddenly, an idea occurs to Haraldur. "Adad, I can help with the reconstruction."

"Absolutely not, you are far too little, besides how would you help?" Thorin asks.

"With magic, silly."

Thorin chuckles, "Or really, how?"

"Like this…"

With that Haraldur drops his empty plate on the floor and it shatters.


Haraldur giggles, he takes his wand and waves over the shattered plate.

"Reparo." He mutters.

Instantly the plate is repaired.

"See, Adad, I can help with all of the repairs and it will be easier and faster. And Tauriel will be with me so you do not have to worry about my safety."

Thorin looks at Balin, "What do you think?"

"The council room really is no place for a little boy, Thorin, we can barely contain Fili and Kili. Maybe you should let him help with minor repairs and go from there." Balin tells Thorin.

Thorin thinks about it for a moment, "Alright, only for a little while, until the Dwarves from Ered Luin arrive, then we will get you tutors and you will begin your education as a true prince of Erebor. And I shall adopt you officially as my son, though Fili is still my heir."

"Oh, Adad, I cannot wait to officially be your son!" Haraldur cries and throws himself at Thorin.

Thorin hugs him and pats his bottom. "I cannot wait either, little one."

Once dinner was over, Thorin takes Haraldur to the wash room so that he can bathe him. He still has a hard time seeing the whip marks on his back but he says nothing. After washing and dressing the little Dwarfling, he puts him to bed, tomorrow he would take him to meet the master builder. From there they would decide what Haraldur can and cannot repair. Though he had a feeling that Haraldur could repair anything.

After breakfast, Thorin, Haraldur, Balin, Dwalin and Tauriel went to the Gallery of the Kings, where the master builder and his crew were working on rebuilding the giant hole that Smaug made in the wall.

"Your Majesty," Thorak, the master builder, said with a deep bow.

Thorin nods his head in return, "How goes the reconstruction?"

"It is slow going, Sire, but we will get it done."

Thorin slowly walks around assessing the damage and thinking how Haraldur can show case his ability without over doing it at first and frightening the master builder. That is when Thorin noticed a portrait on the wall of Thror and his grandmother that Smaug had taken his claws to, he walked over to it and examined it. Thorak comes to stand next to the king.

"I am afraid that this portrait is beyond repair, Your Majesty, there is nothing we can do to save it."

"Perhaps there is, Haraldur, will you come here, please?" Thorin calls.

Haraldur and Tauriel walk over to Thorin. Thorin kneels down to his son's height, place a hand on the boy's shoulder he asks him.

"My son, do you think your magic can repair this?"

Haraldur exams the portrait with a critical eye, the damage is quite extensive, but he is positive that he can repair it.

"Aye, Adad, I can repair it."

Haraldur pulls out his wand and utters a simple word.


The portrait knits itself back together seamlessly, when it is finished, it is as if there was never any damage done to the portrait at all. Thorak was amazed, he had heard the rumors of the King's adoptive son having magical powers, but he thought they were silly rumors now he knows the truth.

"That was amazing, your Majesty, so the rumors are true, our newest prince is a wizard."

"Aye, he is, and he would like to help you in rebuilding parts of Erebor, but be warned, Tauriel is his personal guard and is responsible for his safety and well being. When she says he has had enough, It is over. Any arguing with her will be severely punished."

Thorak bows deeply, "It will be done as you command, now, Your Highness, do you think you can repair this wall?"

"Aye, Master Builder, though after this I need to do minor repairs until I replenish my magic."

Haraldur utters the reparo charm again and the wall begins to fix itself. Once it is finished, Haraldur uses wingardium leviosa to hang the tapestry back on the wall. Everyone stood around with their mouths open as they watched the heavy tapestry float in the air and fall back into it's rightful place. After that Tauriel kneeled down to examine Haraldur.

"Are you alright, Sweetling?"

"Aye, is there anymore damage that needs to be repaired, Master Builder?"

Thorak stood there stunned for a moment, "Please, Your Highness, call me Thorak son of Thorgar."

"Then you may call me Haraldur son of Thorin." Haraldur said proudly.

Thorak looks to the king for permission, Thorin nods giving his permission.

"If you are feeling up to it we can move to the front gate to see if you help with the repairs."

"I should be able to help with that repair Thorak, considering I am the one who blew it up in the first place."

Thorak gave Haraldur an incredulous look. Haraldur gave him a cheeky grin and took Tauriel's hand, as she led him from the Gallery of the Kings toward the front gate. But Haraldur stopped and ran back to Thorin jumping into his arms giving him a hug and a kiss.

"I will see you later, Adad, and thank you."

"You are welcome, My Son, Tauriel be sure to bring him to the great hall for lunch."

"As you command your Majesty."

And with that Haraldur ran back to Tauriel, taking her hand and walked toward the front gate.

Harry Potter and the Dwarves of EreborWhere stories live. Discover now