Chapter 12 Thranduil and His Proposal

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They crossed the bridge that led to the palace, through the large gates and into the Wood Elves' domain. The gates closed behind them like a tomb. Haraldur didn't know what he was expecting from an Elven kingdom, but it certainly wasn't what he saw. Where Rivendell was warm, bright, and full of life, Mirkwood was cold, dark and sort of desolate. It felt kind of  like an ant colony underground to Haraldur, almost making him feel claustrophobic, he did not like it one bit.

The Company was led to the dungeons while Thorin and Haraldur are led up to the Throne Room. They are shoved roughly into the Throne Room to await the arrival of King Thanduil, Haraldur takes the opportunity to rush to Thorin side and cling to his leg. Thorin kneels down, taking Haraldur into his arms, he tries to calm the trembling Dwarfling.

"It's alright Haraldur, everything will be alright. You're such a big boy defending me to that pointy eared princeling," Thorin says as he rubs the boys back comforting him, "I only need you to be brave for a little while longer, can you do that for me?" Thorin asks.

Haraldur takes a deep breath, "Yes, Thorin, I can do that."

Thorin smiles at the Dwarfling, "Good, lad, now try not to draw too much attention to yourself when Thranduil comes in."

"Alright, Thorin." Haraldur moves to hide behind Thorin.

Neither of them noticed when the King entered the room.

"Some many imagine that a noble quest is at hand." Thanduil suddenly starts speaking startling both Thorin and Haraldur though Thorin hid it quickly.

"A quest to reclaim a homeland and slay a dragon. I myself suspect a more prosaic motive. Attempted burglary or something of that ilk." Thanduil says as he circles Thorin and Haraldur.

"You have found a way in, you seek that that which would bestow upon you the right to rule. The king's jewel: The Arkenstone."

Haraldur looks up at Thorin, the Arkenstone? He had never heard of a king's jewel, or any other jewel for that matter, Haraldur thought Thorin was the rightful king. Yet if what this Elf was saying was true, without that stone, Thorin could never rule.

Thranduil continues, "It is precious to you beyond measure, I understand that. There are gems in the mountain, that I too, desire, white gems of pure starlight." Thranduil inclines his head in a show of false humility, "I offer you my help."

Thorin chuckles, "I am listening."

"I will let you go if you but return what is mine." Thranduil tells him.

"A favor for a favor" Thorin says as he walks away from Haraldur. Haraldur can sense the anger building in Thorin, he backs up against the wall trying to make himself as small as possible.

"You have my word, one king to another."

Thorin stops pacing, "I would not trust Thranduil, the great king to honor his word should the end of all days be upon us! You who lack all honor! I have seen how you treat your friends, we came to you once starving, homeless, seeking your help, but you turned your back. You turned away from the suffering of my people, and the inferno that destroyed us." *May you die in dragon fire!*

"Do not talk to me of dragon fire! I know it's wrath and ruin. I have faced the great serpents of the North."

Suddenly one side of Thranduil's face becomes distorted, showing signs of being once burnt, then as he steps back his face returns to it's normal state.

"I warned your grandfather of what his greed would summon, but he would not listen."

Thranduil acsends his throne then turns to look at Thorin.

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