chapter 7

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Christmas Day 2006
So the last year and a few months has been has been so hetic, we're in a new house and I miss Neverland so much it's unbelievable but like Dad says it doesn't matter where you're living as long as you're all together then that's all that matters and he's right family is way more important than a house. I get out of bed and go downstairs, another year I see Dad smiling at the bottom of the stairs with the camcorder,  these videos are so embarrassing to watch back but you can't stop Dad from doing it.

"ok, now you're all downstairs come on the main joint present is outside" he smiles brightly and we all run outside expecting it to be bikes or something but's a dog, that's right we got a dog

"awww, it's so cute" we all smile and kneel down to pet it

"you all have to agree on a name" Dad says and we all look at each other

"it should begin with a K" Blanket smiles

"how about Ken-"

"ya" me and Paris smiles finishing Prince's sentence

"yeah" Prince laughs

"Kenya it is then" Dad smiles and we all instantly all hug him

"thank you" we smile

"you're welcome" Dad smiles hugging us all back

I could literally just have a card under that tree cause this is the best Christmas ever. we go inside to get dressed and I stand there looking at 3 different dresses, the purple one, blue one and red checked one.

"Paris what colour are you wearing?" I ask standing in Paris's room doorway

"purple/pinkish" she smiles and spinning around so her dress would all fly out

"ok" I smile and goes back to my room

I go with the red checked one and loafers of course, I go downstairs and we all stand infront of the tree. Dad likes to film us saying our ages and say what we want to be to see if in the year it has changed

"Prince I gotta be by Paris cause you was born first"

"oh yeah, I'm the oldest" Prince smiles brightly

"only by like 10 minutes" I laugh

"that's still a lot"

"ok guys ready?" Dad smiles

"yep" we all smile

"what day is it today?"

"huh?" Prince asks who was obviously paying attention to Kenya in the background

"what day is it today?" Dad asks again

"today is December 25th"

"what's special about December 25th?"

"it's Christmas" I smile brightly

"exactly and what does Christmas means?......Blanket what does Christmas mean?"

"Love" Blanket smiles whilst trying to not turn back and look at the presents

"love what?"


"who's your family?"


"me and people who love you"

"including me" Paris smiles

"give me everyones age"

"9" me and Prince say at the same time

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