chapter 5

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July 4th 2005 ~ Bahrain
we've been in Bahrain for about 2 weeks now and I have no idea how long we will be here, hopefully not long I miss America.

"hey where's Dad?" I ask sitting down next to Paris

"went out somewhere with Blanket, you missed what he was wearing"

"what was he wearing?"

"a burka"

"aren't those for women?"


"that's funny" I laugh

"hey wanna watch a movie?" Prince smiles coming into the room

"sure" I smile

"what movie?" Paris asks

"how about moonwalker?"

"ok" Paris smiles and Prince goes to put it on

"is it just me or does it feel strange not being in a theatre to watch a movie?" I ask

"no it isn't just you" Prince says sitting down

"I miss home"

"me too" Paris sighs

"maybe we'll be going home soon" Prince says and the movie starts so we all stop talking.

I have no idea why we're here ok well I think I do and I think it's something to do with the trail but I don't get how Dad would come here after it. I know he fought back and as a result it broke him but escaping and coming here really isn't going to help, why should my Dad be away from his home and his family just cause of some nasty people? I'm not going to mention it to Dad cause that means bringing the trail back up so I can only hope that he will come to his senses and wanna go back home.

"hey guys, what you watching?" Dad asks walking in carrying Blanket

"moonwalker" we all say keeping our eyes glued to the screen

"oohhh I love this movie" Dad smiles sitting down in between me and Prince and Blanket goes on Paris's lap

"obviously cause you're in it" I laugh

"no, it just has a really got plot"

"cause you made it"

"ok ok, I love it cause it's me"

"see, told you so" I smile

"Daddy when are we going home?" Blanket asks, thank you so much I really didn't wanna ask him and now I don't have to.

"umm, soon but on the way home we're having a pit stop to visit Bubbles"

"we're visiting Bubbles?" Paris asks


"I can't wait" Prince smiles

June 16th 2005 ~ America
we're back in good old USA finally and I'm so glad to be back, I've missed the views and the temperatures and just everything in general. we saw Bubbles yesterday which was amazing and Blanket is at the age where he can remember Bubbles when he's older, I have many memories of Bubbles and it's a shame Blanket wasn't around when Bubbles was living with us. I sit up from probably the best night sleep in ages, I didn't mind Bahrain but it isn't the same as America and I missed my own bed.

"Elsie, Tj is here" Dad calls from downstairs so I quickly grab my coat and goes downstairs, Tj is taking me and Prince to this old steam fair which is meant to be a funfair that's still stuck behind in time and is run by engines instead of power which sounds fun.

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