44. Azalea

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Kellina wasn't wearing a whole lot of makeup today. It was nice. Her outfit was only slightly outrageous, so that was also nice. It was a dress today, black with little moons on it. Her foot was touching mine under the table at lunch as she and Strom talked. Am I an idiot? She kept smiling at me. She never smiles.

I am sitting in the hot tub after working out and beating Harold in physical combat, and I am eating dry cereal when Karma comes in. She is screaming into the phone.


There is a slight pause.


Another pause.

"So? You know what, you are a little slut. A little boy who is a slut. So why don't you go and stick your dick in Marcie's cute little mouth and get Chelsea while you're at it too. You all are a bunch of fucking whores." She swears at him and hangs up.

I blink. We lock eyes. Her SmartScreen vibrates like crazy. She declines the call and sits on our bed.

"Karma, you okay?"

"Does it look like it, homo-whore?"


I raise my eyebrows and pick up my SmartScreen and open a book. I drop it in the tub twice. Good thing it's waterproof.

Karma kicks off her shoes and gets under the covers. I get out and take a shower. Once I get out, I climb into bed and try my hardest to avoid Karma. I can't, there isn't enough room. I get in and we are touching. She starts and wakes up.

"Move it," she hisses.

"You're taking up the whole bed!"

"Go find somewhere else to sleep. I am not sleeping in the same bed as a lesbian."

"I'm not trying to have sex or some shit. I honestly just want to sleep. Okay?"

"Get out of here. I'm not sleeping with you."

"If you have a problem, you can leave."

"My boyfriend is cheating on me! Give me a break"

"My roommate is bullying me because I am homosexual! Get some perspective!"

"Fine. I'm done. I'll go sleep with Fifi."

"That sounds pretty gay, if you ask me."

She swears at me and leaves the room. I fall asleep instantly.

The next morning I put on a pair of pants and find that they expose about three inches of my ankles, with my socks pulled up. They are cargo pants and they look ridiculous, but I am too hungry to find a different pair. I hustle down to breakfast, and Kesselhof is there.

"What's the plan for today?" I ask, swallowing a mouthful of muffin.

"Your ankles are visible," she snaps, not answering me. "Go get some appropriate pants that fit."

"Are you serious?!" I ask. Strom, Fifi, and Karma all show up.

"Yes. Go change."

"What's wrong with ankles? It's not like we live in the 1600's. Is it 'sexually distracting' or something?" I ask with a hiss.

"You obey me, even if you don't fully understand why. Otherwise there will be severe punishments."

Harold rolls his eyes, but nods at me, as if to say "Go do it."

Strom whispers, "Don't do it," in my ear.

Dipper shows up. He looks like he is in bliss.

"Lay off her, Kess. We'll be in the training room all day today anyway," he says.

Kesselhof opens her mouth, but doesn't say anything.

After breakfast, we get straight to the training room. All of the officers are there, except Kela.

"Where's Kela?" I ask. Hower and Kunley look anxiously at each other.

"None of your business," Kesselhof snaps.

I look at Dipper. His eyes are unfocused, and his whole face is slack. I wonder is this is what high people look like.

We train all morning. We stretch, then run, then swim, then do some weights. We take a break, then we do some target practice. I am crazy sore by lunchtime and then we have to go do yoga to help our food settle. Finally, we get to all drive little ships around. Fifi returns 45 minutes late. As I am mindlessly tossing medicine balls back and forth with Strom, Kellina's face pops into my head, and doesn't go away.

At dinner, she sits next to Strom and I could swear she looks at me each time she makes some kind of slightly sarcastic remark. That's when I know that I am screwed.

That night I sit in the hot tub and drink some slightly melted whipped caffeinated thing Fifi left in our room.

"Why are YOU so happy?" snaps Karma.


"You keep smiling. It's weird."

"Oh. I don't know." Even though I do. I am screwed. 

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