7. Fifi's Lie Journal (To keep track of all her lies)

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11. I did not brag at all about the fact that I am going to one of the satellites.

12. My family was very willing to let me go.

13. I am very happy to be leaving.

14. Going to the satellites was definitely my choice.

15. I know exactly who filled out my application and why they did it.

16. I am so popular that almost the whole school cried about my leaving.

17. My three best friends did not give each other that look when I told them I was leaving, their secret "I'm really glad about this" look.

18. I definitely don't like Mitch Garland and his abs.

19. I was definitely not this close to saying yes when he asked for a very special goodbye gift.

20. I am definitely not having thoughts about revealing my identity the minute I get onto the satellite. 

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