Chapter 9

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"Alright class, so now that we're further along into the semester I want to introduce your first partner project." Mrs. B began. "I want you and your partner to come up with a photography portfolio. The photos can be of anything you want, but i want there to be some cohesion between the 20 photos. Simple enough right? Don't worry I'm just easing you all into it. This will be due one week from today."

"Hey, partner," Noah smiled at me. "Lucky for you I'm an amazing photographer." He bragged.

"Oh are you? We'll have to see about that." I joked.

"So when are we doing this? I'm dying to show you my amazing skills."

"Hmm," I thought. "Thursday after school? There's no football right?"

"Thursday's perfect," he smiled.


I heard the sound of the door open at work. I put my phone down on the counter and left the back room.

"How can I h- Zac?" I asked as I caught eyes with him.

"Hey, Sam, can we talk?" He asked.

"Well considering I'm working and can't exactly leave I don't think I have much of a choice."

"Look I'm sorry, I was a complete asshole. I feel awful about what I did. Everything. Ditching you, being aggressive with you, getting way too drunk- all of it. I regret all of it."

He sounded sincere and i think I'm actually stupid enough to believe him.

"Okay, thanks for the apology."

"Can I make it up to you? Let me take you on a real date." He said sweetly. "Please."

"Uh," I thought to myself for a second. "Sure, why not?... on one condition."

"What's that?" He smirked.

"You have to buy something." I laughed.

"Of course, of course," he laughed. "Can I get two scoops of chocolate? On a cone." I nodded and got the ice cream. I rang him up and handed him the ice cream.

"Thanks, I'll text you okay?"

I nod with a smile. He gives me a small wave and turns to leave.

The Deal / / Noah Centineo Where stories live. Discover now