Chapter 4- Faster Then You Know

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After we left the Dojo, I decided that I would go and explore a bit. Me and Braden went to Phil's Bowl and Burger. Which was a restaurant with a bowling alley. Seems pretty cool, as soon as we walked in, we were greeted by the owner. Phil. He welcomed us and allowed us to sit down. Braden and I chatted for a moment, then I saw Jack walk in. 

"Jack... What are you doing here?" I asked, Braden turning around to see him. "Rudy wants you back at the Dojo. He wants to see you spar someone... You know... to see how high of a belt you should be." Jack grabbed my hand and carefully took me back to the Academy. I turned and looked back at Braden, he was smiling, I had never spared with him, but he knew how good I was. 

I changed into a Gi, then walked out onto the mats. I pulled my long red hair into a Pony-Tail, so it would be out of my face. I saw the Milton guy. We bowed and then he ran towards me, I flipped him on his back and held him down... Really? this is the guy I had to fight?

"Milton's out!" Rudy yelled. "Jerry! Get you Gi on!" 

I saw Jerry, walking out... But trying to show off his "Swag." Whatever that's supposed to mean...  

We bowed, and as we did so... He said: "Just for the record... The only girl I'd hit was Kim... So, I won't beat you up too badly" He winked, then got into his fighting position. I did the same. He kicked at my stomach, and I blocked. I saw an opportunity to take one good side kick to his chest, and I did. I jumped up and did a 360 spin, landing my kick with perfect grace. I heard him scream, then I saw him fall to the ground, but he got up quickly. He ran at me, but I quickly tripped him, making sure he knew I won.

"Jerry's Out!" Rudy yelled, he saw me grab my side. "Alex, what happened?" He walked up to me and put his hands on my shoulders. 

"Nothing... I'm fine" I assured him, I wasn't going to quit over a little bruise, I learned how to block out pain while earning my Black Belt in all of my Karate classes. "Who's Next" I said, seeing Braden walk in the door, he smiled, then sat down so he could watch.

When I turned around, I saw Jack... He was wearing a Black Belt. I've lost to a Black Belt, and my sore side wasn't going to help at all. 

"I'm surprised that you've made it this far. We'll see if your a higher belt then I am." Jack smirked, bowing to me. I did the same, getting into a fighting position. 

The first shot from him was a kick to my side, which I quickly dodged, but Jack was too fast, he hit me really hard in the chest. I tried my best to beat him, but It was really hard. I flipped in the air, landing my heel into his shoulder, watching him go down. He quickly got up, and he launched a few punches that were too fast for me to block. I looked over at Braden for a quick moment, he looked a bit worried. I wish I wouldn't have... I lost my focus, and I got a RoundHouse Kick to my sore side. "Gah" I yelled, but I couldn't quit. I launched a Flying Side Kick into Jack's stomach. He stumbled back, grabing his stomach. I jumped up and rammed my fist into his chest, knocking him down. I yelled and stood over him. 

I could see the disbelief in his eyes. "D-Did I just loose?" He struggled to get his words out. I looked back and saw Rudy and Braden, their mouths wide open in awe. "J-Jack's out..." Rudy stammered. Looking stunned. "I guess... I'm up" 

I shot Rudy a glance, I didn't wanna fight anymore... Not like this. "No" I made sure my voice boomed through the Dojo. Everyone started to stare at me, I couldn't take it anymore. My side was hurting, I had just lost my temper, and everyone was staring at me. I changed out of my Gi and ran outside, tears streaming down my face, I could hear Rudy as I ran. "Braden, what's wrong with Alex?" 

I knew at that moment, Everyone was going to know my huge secret... About me, about my father, about what had happened... 

I ran and ran, crying as I did so... I didn't wanna go back.. Not now... Not ever!

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